Tag : notes for my daughter
06/02/2017The mind of a four year old is a wonderfully unpredictable thing. Whereas with adults I can pretty easily predict the direction a conversation will take, with Orla I frequently land in discussions [...]
04/12/2017In my early teens I read a lot of glossy magazines. To say I read them, in fact, implies a passivity that was never quite present; I inhaled them. I devoured them like forgotten religious texts; [...]
02/01/2017I was relaying some of the amazing stuff that's been happening for me to my friend Hannah recently, and she said to me "you're flying!" And it made me pause, because I feel like I'm doing [...]
10/20/2016I've spent a lot of my 32 years trying to change. I truly believe it's important to understand your own shortcomings, and of course we're all trying to grow into better & happier [...]
09/02/2016Can we talk about small things for a moment? About the impossibly sweet and nostalgic accoutrements of childhood. A little blue cardigan hanging from a big hallway hook. Miniature shoes [...]
03/02/2016A Tim Minchin song might not seem like an obvious place to find wisdom, but I'm a huge admirer of his clever wordplay & humorously accurate observations on life. The Fence is chock-full of [...]
01/03/2016Alternative title for this post: everything I know about life I learned from Ani Difranco. If you're not getting happier as you get older then you're fucking up. If you don't like [...]
12/02/2015Ok, it's not snappy - but it's surprisingly true. There will be times when someone is inexplicably rude or mean or condescending, and you cannot figure out why. A girl at school who consistently [...]
11/18/2015sparkly shoes c/o Boden I've decided that toddlers are like chocolate. I love chocolate. Who doesn't?! It's sweet and delicious and most of the time I could just eat it all up - pleather [...]
10/24/2015DRESS: NADINOO BOOTS: BODEN I love this stage. Her vocabulary is sophisticated enough to spill all her thoughts out, & it's fascinating stuff. Where before I kept a [...]
10/08/2015Dear Orla, I have been strong and I have been weak, and I have learnt that these words do not mean what we think. Before you were born, I cried easily; a confrontation with friends, a passing [...]
10/01/2015A couple of weeks back, on a day punctuated by sudden, soaking downpours, I dragged poor James Melia out to a ruined barn in the middle of the moors. I'd spotted it from the road months ago - in [...]
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