Tag : parenting
01/18/2017No, not a handy guide for the new orange leader of the free world - though Lord knows he could probably use it. One of the most common questions I get about my interiors, other than 'where is [...]
10/20/2016I've spent a lot of my 32 years trying to change. I truly believe it's important to understand your own shortcomings, and of course we're all trying to grow into better & happier [...]
10/12/2016A dried thistle flower. She hands it to me, sniffling, drying her eyes from some head-bang or dog lick, and tells me in a small voice, ‘it is a hedgehog’. And it is! It has two eyes and a nose, [...]
09/02/2016Can we talk about small things for a moment? About the impossibly sweet and nostalgic accoutrements of childhood. A little blue cardigan hanging from a big hallway hook. Miniature shoes [...]
06/12/2016Nobody talks about how boring parenting can be. It's this weird Western system we've created, where we all raise our children alone; sealed into our little boxes on quiet, orderly streets. Perhaps [...]
05/09/2016These are the days that we came here for. When the sun warms our bedroom at the top of the house while the dawn chorus works itself up to an orchestral cacophony. And we dig out the sun cream [...]
04/11/2016{100 stories}: A COLLECTION OF FICTIONAL FRAGMENTS & UNFINISHED RAMBLINGS Sonny doesn't talk. They tell me not to say that, but then they tell me all sorts of things - [...]
11/18/2015sparkly shoes c/o Boden I've decided that toddlers are like chocolate. I love chocolate. Who doesn't?! It's sweet and delicious and most of the time I could just eat it all up - pleather [...]
06/24/2015A little lesson I re-learned this week, with help from my little muffin, & from Peppa Pig. Last month I bought Orla a Peppa Pig Playhouse on a whim. She'd found a Daddy Pig figure [...]
02/06/2015She is two; fiesty, messy haired, hilarious. She is a changling and a hurricane, a swirl of snot and sugar and soft, sticky kisses. She hears owls in almost everything - a squeaking tap, a squeal [...]
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