“SYS gives practical guidance to shift your thinking on selling, your attitudes and your customers. It's insightful and empowering. Bloody loved it."

-Lee Towle

Hey there creative business owner...

I see you,
hiding your magic

Shying away from marketing and sales.
Doing whatever feels comfortable or safe, instead of doing what works.

Worrying so much about what people might think and how horribly uncomfortable it feels to Sell Your Sh*t that you’re leaving money on the table, and are starting to run aground. 
Or maybe, you’ve barely managed to get started at all.

You’ve got way better places to go than here.
It’s time to own your own brilliance and start selling your shit with confidence and joy. 

No manipulation. No sacrificing your values. No having to pretend that you’re somebody you’re not. Just honest, authentic marketing, to the people who genuinely want what you’re offering to the world.

It’s time to increase your sales and take the pain and drama out of marketing your work.

There are so people out there just waiting to discover what you do.

Maybe some of this sounds familiar...

You know things need to change...

... you're doing the bare minimum but it still feels overwhelming at times

... you're not seeing the profit you need to support your family and your needs

... you're so worried what people will think that it's difficult to post anything promotional online

You're most definitely not alone.

What if you just

Most of our beliefs about marketing come from being stuck on the receiving end of businesses doing it very, very badly. Companies who put profit above people. False promises, manipulative sales techniques, overwhelming pushiness.

You’re a sensitive, creative, considerate human!
Of course you don’t want to be like that!

So you don’t sell. You make a single Instagram post and wonder why your product or service isn’t moving as you’d hoped. You’re so afraid of being pushy or rude that you go too far the other way, and your business is suffering as a result.

You forget about the wonderful, expansive playground of options that lies in between those two dramatic extremes.

It really, truly, doesn't have to be that way.

Imagine how
it would feel to...

... show up and sell your work with confidence, kindness and joy

... let go of the fear of failure and market from a place of calm confidence

... make such irresistable offers that your customers actually THANK you for selling to them

I've made more than £1 million by selling this way.
i want to show you how

Sell Your Sh*t

my new group coaching programme for online entrepreneurs & business owners 

●  Explore and unpack your attitudes and beliefs around self-promotion and selling your shit.

●  Discover how valuing our work closely ties to valuing ourselves, and how low self esteem might be undercutting your business

●  Learn to trust your own selling instincts and how to market in alignment with your ethics and values

●  Start speaking directly to your customers in creative and playful ways that resonate and convert 

●  Stop wasting time and energy trying to control what everyone else thinks

●  Craft a master marketing blueprint for your business, so you always know the next step to take

●  Get out of your own way, stop procrastinating and start taking massive action

●  Sell Your Shit and make more sales! 

small group, big support

Sell Your Sh*t is a live group coaching programme beginning late 2022 for 5 weeks, with:

● Monday teaching calls with me, uncovering soulful sales strategies and the sneaky mindset barriers you didn’t even know you had

●  Weekly assignments to get you trying new things and making more sales, right now

● Weekly group coaching with me and Certified Life Coach Sally Hardie, to really unpack what’s coming up for you in this process 

● Weekly co-working sessions on Zoom to help you stay accountable and support you in completing assignments 

● A  private community space for your group on Mighty Networks where you’ll be able to connect, get help, support one another and share all your wins

What the members say...

“I would wholeheartedly recommend the Sell Your Shit course. It offers the perfect mix between handholding and pushing you to overcoming your fears around marketing through little challenges. I found it super practical as well – rather than talking about abstract concepts, you get very hands-on ideas for how you could actually sell your stuff. I think the most helpful thing about the course however is the work around mindset, supported by the mindset coaching calls which are absolutely invaluable and give you perspective and skills for life.

Throughout the course, I started to question why selling is so uncomfortable and really challenged that belief. I’ve also done the Insta Retreat so I knew that Sara’s courses are really well put together, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed with this one.

Finally, I made great connections – supporting each other felt so nice and uplifting. If you want to sell anything at all, this really is the course for you!”

“A lot of the reason I had the confidence to finally put my rings on sale is due to this course. It was such a big deal for me to sell them because it made me believe I could run this company in the way that I want to and make money from it. It’s really amazing!

Everybody in the group was so behind me and cheering me on, the amount of support I got was life changing for me!

The knowledge I received from this course, along with the in-person coaching, is invaluable. I find myself referring to the lessons and content regularly. I would highly recommend it for anyone who would like to learn about selling without the “pushy marketing” vibes.”

Thank you so much for all the awesome, amazing, actual-life-changing content on this course.

I have done a lot of business-help courses in the span of my career and this is the first that has actually shown a positive change in my business.

I had got myself into such awful shame spirals about selling my work, and through Sell Your Sh*t I’m learning my way out of them in a positive way.

I’ve never felt comfortable (or that it was particularly on-brand) talking on Instagram, but this course has made me rethink my self-imposed rules for a much healthier “f*ck-it-let’s-try-it-anyway” attitude

Ready for sales to get a whole lot easier?

Here's what you'll find inside...

Sell Your Sh*t is a live small-group programme with strictly limited space

What you'll get:

● 5 weeks of practical teaching calls, delivered live over Zoom

● Weekly group coaching calls with myself and Sally Hardie to unpack whatever is coming up for you during the week

● Weekly sales and mindset assignments, to get you out of old patterns and make you more profitable, right now

● A weekly workbook, where you’ll craft your own master marketing blueprint

● Weekly co-working sessions where you can get some accountability and actually get your sh*t done! (these are MAGIC)

● Recordings of all the lessons and coaching calls for you to re-watch at any time

● Access to our Marketing Knowledge Bank, with how-to guides, matrixes, checklists and more

● Inclusion in our private members-group, where you’ll meet your new business BFFs

● A special snail-mail welcome bundle

What you'll learn:

● The simple self-coaching method I use every day to keep myself clear and intentional

● How to uproot the unhelpful mindset barriers around self-promo that are quietly holding you back 

● How to craft irresistible offers in your business, with support to apply this right now

● How to write newsletters, Instagram captions,  blog posts and ads that you’re excited to publish and that convert to sales 

● Why rejection doesn’t need to be problem, and how to feel fine with a ‘no’ 

● The difference between marketing and manipulation, and how to be wildly profitable without selling your soul

● How to cultivate tenacity and keep going when things don’t go as planned

● How to feel great about selling your work, and confident in the value it offers to your customers and clients

●  How to get out of your comfort zone and try new things whilst staying safe and honouring your own limits

Ready to get started?

Choose your payment plan...

We start again in the autumn

Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to

find out!

Hey there, I'm Sara

and I’m a life certified coach, CEO, bestselling author and Instagram expert. 
I mean, it’s not how I’d introduce myself at a party or anything, but it’s probably good for you to know this stuff, setting out.

My online business has taken me from ‘struggling to pay the rent’ to ‘buying a second home in France’ in less than a decade, but more importantly, it’s brought me home to myself. It’s left me wildly passionate about entrepreneurism for women, and the unholy power we all can unleash when we show up as our wholehearted and imperfect selves. 

My work has been featured in The Guardian, The Independent, Buzzfeed, Stylist Magazine, Vice and on BBC Radio and News.

I was runner-up for Natwest’s Creative Entrepreneur of the Year Award, won Content of the Year in the Cosmopolitan Influencer Awards and named as “one of the UK’s most influential entrepreneurs” by Royal Bank of Scotland.

My book, Hashtag Authentic, hit the UK bestseller’s chart, and my podcast of the same name is regularly number 1 in the iTunes business charts.

Also, once in my Business Studies class, aged 16, my teacher photocopied my exam paper and gave it to the rest of the class as an example of how to do it. #MadeIt

I value excellence, honesty and compassion above all else, and I’ve poured all three of these into this programme with all of my heart.

The Lovely Sally Hardie will be joining us

Those of you in The Insta Retreat will already be familiar with Sally’s magical gifts.

Sally is a gifted coach, weaving compassion, insight and just the right amount of challenge into every single session. She regularly floors me by asking me questions about myself that I simply don’t know the answer to yet. And then, of course, she helps me to fill in all those blanks.

Working with Sally has lightened the burden of my ever-churning brain. I always know I can turn up to any session with a messy tangle of thoughts, fears and predictions of how things are about to go Terribly Wrong, and find myself an hour later in an infinitely more clear place, ready to take all necessary action with integrity and grace. She’s like the Marie Kondo of mind management, and I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

When does this class start & finish?

Class will begin on 27th March running for 5 weeks (4 weeks of classes plus an ‘Action period’ midway). I recommend buying as soon as you’re ready as the last round sold out in 6 days!

When do the live calls take place?

As we have a global student base (the only continent we don’t have any members in is Antarctica), we try our best to schedule calls at times that are as accessible as possible.

We also offer the opportunity to submit questions in advance for calls you won’t be able to attend, and replays of all the calls are available on the class network.

For this class, the calls are scheduled as follows:

Weekly Teaching Calls with Sara: Wednesdays 1 pm BST
Mindset Coaching Calls with Sara and Sally: Mondays 2 pm BST
Accountability Calls: Tuesdays 11-1 pm BST

(All times shown BST – convert to your local time here )

Who is this course for?

This course was written based on my 1:1 client work with small business owners, makers, photographers, artists, coaches and bloggers. It’s specifically for anyone looking to sell with confidence and purpose, and for people who want to get comfortable with selling and fix any problems with mindset that they’ve hit along the way.

I'm new to running my business. Can I still take this course?

Absolutely. If you like to plan ahead and do things with clarity, then taking this course first is a great way to arm yourself in advance. You’ll be required to complete certain tasks as you go along, so you’ll need an offer and a way of selling (website, shop, social media) it at the start of the course.

If you’re still building a social media presence you might find The Insta Retreat more helpful at this stage. The next round starts in September but you can secure your spot here.

I've been running my business for a while now. Can I still benefit?

Yep! I’ve worked with a wide range of clients from beginners to pros, and I’ve found we are all always learning. I’m sharing insight and ideas I’ve developed through years of running my own business, and I’m confident there’ll be ways of selling you’ve never considered or heard about before.

Can I pay instalments?

Yes! All members have the option to spread the cost of the programme across two or three months. Just click the button below and choose your option from the pop-up box and check out using your preferred payment method.

I have another question that's not covered here

No problemo! Drop us an email at admin@meandorla.co.uk, and a member of our little team will get back to you ASAP!

No more questions I'm ready

You are so ready for this journey.

Confronting all your selling baggage is like some kind of therapy, I swear. It’s about visibility, it’s about staying true to yourself, it’s about courage and creativity and in the end, it’s about transformational growth. 

It’s time to stop holding yourself back, my friend.
Let’s do this together.

Ready to get started?

Choose your Payment plan...

I'm ready to sell my sh*t