Using Instagram for charity fundraising, with Creating for Good

“The magic happened within two hours one fine morning in Notting Hill. That’s what happens when you get a really motivated group of people together.”

“Creating for Good is a London based collective of creatives who use their passions and skills to make a difference in the lives of women, men and families affected by war, political discord and poverty. ” With a combined following of over 1.2 million.

Through workshops, photo walks and individual tutoring we give 100% of all proceeds to charitable organizations which focus on providing skills to empower marginalized people and communities to secure a more sustainable future.”

I talk to Giulia, Jo, Elena, Jessica and Sarka from the team, to find out how it got started and what they’ve learned along the way.

Creating for Good’s website (scroll down for mailing list sign up) | Instagram | Twitter |Facebook

Things we talked about

The wonderful women behind the project:

Jo Yee @candidsbyjo

Jessica Bride @belleannee

Mendy Waits @angrybaker

Jess Henderson @jessonthames

Steffi Crivellaro @steffi_daydreamer

Ina Thedens @whatinasees

Elena Shamis @elensham

Giulia Mule @mondomulia

Sarka Babicka @sarkababicka

Charlotte Huco @charlottehuco

Siobhan Ferguson @siobhaise

Hannah Ray @hannahray

Rosella Degori @roselladegori

Marlene Lee @cookiesncandies

Julie Falconer @aladyinlondon

Using Instagram For Charity Fundraising, With Creating for Good by Sara Tasker - Me & Orla


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