The digital butterfly effect, with Jon Ronson

“This is turning rough – and forewarned is forearmed, I suppose”

Jon’s Twitter|Insta|Site|Books |Podcast

One of my favourite things about this podcast is that it gives me the excuse to have really interesting conversations with people whose work I adore. This week is the perfect example, and something of a fangirl moment for me, as my guest this week is writer and journalist Jon Ronson.

If you’re lucky, you’ll all have come across his work already – his books include The Men Who Stare At Goats, The Psychopath Test, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed and Frank, some of which have already been adapted into successful movies. His most recent film credit is ‘Okja‘, which came out earlier this year to adoration and critical acclaim. His newest venture is The Butterfly Effect, a podcast series looking at the way the internet has revolutionised one very specific industry, and the lives of a lot of very normal folk along the way.

Watching Jon’s work evolve over the last few years I’ve really been struck by the role the digital world has had to play in it and how at home he is in the digital landscape. I wanted to find out how he felt about the internet, and both the role it plays in his work, and the wider world. Plus, he’s just a funny, fascinating person to talk to – and to listen to – so you’re in for a treat!

Also, as a heads up – this episode has some occasional adult language.

Things we talk about in this episode:

  • The blissful early days of Twitter
  • Why Twitter changed and became combative and performative
  • Why Jon chose to step away from Twitter after he wrote So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed
  • Why we think Instagram is better than Twitter, and some reasons why it might be a friendlier community
  • The dangers of Twitter shaming (and the times when it’s obviously justified)
  • The joys of podcasting, and why Jon chose the medium forThe Butterfly Effect
  • Audiobooks vs paper books
  • Being an intrepid story hunter whilst also having generalised anxiety
  • Abandoning a story halfway through
  • Whether Jon wants to be my new BFF


Remember you can tweet Jon at@jonronson or @ us both on Instagram to keep this week’s conversation going (and help him conclude what an excellent idea it was for him to come on my podcast 🙏🏻 😉).

Look, I’ve even prepared something you can tweet with a single click!

Currently listening to @jonronson and @meandorla talk about the digital ‘butterfly effect’ on the #hashtagauthentic podcast – take a look!

Lots of love! See you next week x