When you don’t know what your talent is, with Carly Rowena

Carly Rowena is known online for her no-nonsense, frank and funny approach to fitness and life. When she first started out, she didn’t know where her true talents lay, and it was her audience and their feedback that helped her discover her talents. In this episode we chat about growing a YouTube audience, evolving your content with your life, and figuring out what you really want to share.

Carly’s Twitter|Instagram|Youtube|blog

Things we talk about in this episode:

  • Pursuing your talent, even when your friends don’t support what you do
  • Not being based in London
  • Finding the right social media medium for you
  • Establishing and maintaining a Youtube audience
  • Managing a big change in your lifestyle for your audience (becoming pregnant)
  • pregnancy and managing others’ opinions in the fitness industry

Links mentioned in this episode: