LIVE in Edinburgh, Sara Tasker and Dominique Davis in conversation

Dominique Davis is a powerhouse of creative content and imagination, with a captivated Instagram following of over 500k. We met up in Edinburgh with a live audience to talk about fun, Photoshop, and how to stay sane as an Instagram dependent businesswoman when they keep on screwing with the algorithms.

Things we talk about in this episode:

  • Dominique’s journey to 500k + followers.
  • Behind the scenes of All that is She
  • Setting and following Instagram trends
  • Playing the Insta game, and why being authentic is better than following trends
  • Introducing ‘boy Dom’
  • Juggling a family life whilst running a business from home
  • Money shame, and why it’s difficult to talk about financial success
  • What Dominque’s average day looks like
  • The real story of how much work a sponsored post takes to create
  • Putting all your eggs in one digital basket/platform
  • How the algorithm has affected Dominque’s account
  • The impact of the ASA guidelines on sponsored content
  • How Dominque has personally grown over the last three years

Links mentioned in this episode: