This week author Fiona Thomas returns to the podcast to dig into the truth about transitioning to freelance life… and launching a book in the midst of a pandemic. I also talk to Insta Retreat graduate Rebecca Lewis about pivoting her business, and why you don’t always need a huge audience online to build meaningful success.
Things We Talk About In This Episode:
- Why you don’t need a huge audience online to be successful
- How to get organic reach on Instagram without having to pay for ads
- Photography for Instagram, and how it differs from conventional photography
- Pivoting your business, and why it pays to put yourself at the heart of your brand
- The difference between being a freelancer and an entrepreneur/business owner
- Promoting a book during lockdown, and the unexpected benefits of “marketing for introverts” when almost everything has to happen online
- How the workplace might look on the other side of COVID
- Caring for your mental health as a freelancer, and recognising that mental health goes beyond mindset
- Relaxing the idea of rigid timetables, and embracing routines that work for our health and happiness
- The value of having a person outside our situation, such as a coach, help us recognise and overcome our limiting beliefs
- Managing your finances, including building a financial buffer, pricing yourself, planning for holidays, and avoiding the limitations of exchanging time for money
- Fiona’s experience delivering a donation-based course, giving away content, and the balance of making support and content accessible to all, while still running a profitable business
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Tickets to Fiona’s virtual Book Launch with me, October 1st 2020
- Fiona’s podcast, “Out of Office“
- Her book “Out of Office” on Amazon
- Her Instagram: @fionalikestoblog
- Fiona’s website,
- Her Twitter profile, @fionalikes
- Our first podcast episode together, here on Hashtag Authentic
- My Instagram Class, The Insta Retreat