Some months I feel like nothing’s happening, and some months it all comes at once. This is one of the second type, I guess; suddenly my name’s in lots of new places & it’s a bit easier to understand where all my time goes. ‘I’m kind of a big deal‘ I tell Rory, from my position lying facedown on the sofa. ‘I can no longer be expected to make my own cups of tea.‘
I’m nothing if not hilarious.
Next month it’ll probably be quiet & I’ll fall into despair, so for posterity & in case you’d like to take a nosy…

IDEAL HOME – Or house is in Ideal Home Magazine this month (the cover says May, because magazine inexplicably work to the strangest lead times). In the spirit of honesty, I should mention that it never really looks this tidy and beautiful – photo wizardry and clever styling thanks go to Kristy and Hannah, respectively.
BLOGTACULAR –Have you seen the announcements of who’s going to be speaking at Blogtacular? If you’d like to attend one of my workshops AND get a whole host of other brilliant blogging and creative resources, talks, workshops and inspiration, Blogtacular is for you!
WORKSHOPS – This week I ran my first set of face-to-face workshops at West Elm. I loved meeting so many brilliant Insta-women and hearing a bit about their creative journeys. We styled up a storm, slightly trashed the store (sorry West Elm!) and had an awful lot of fun. More dates & locations coming up – sign up to my emails to be the first to know!

INKIFI – I’ve been working with Inkifi to share tips and pointers for better mobile phone photography on their blog. They’ve got great articles from a variety of Instagrammers & photographers, so it’s definitely worth whiling away a coffee break over there – starting by reading my posts, of course ;).
PODCAST – I chatted with Jen, my creative coach, for her Make it Happen podcast. I was sipping gin while we chatted and may have got a little loose-lipped and overly honest – click over and see what you think! ?
IPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL Q&A – I also gave this interview over on the iPhone photography school – and have been getting some of the most wonderful feedback I’ve ever received. They delved way back into my archive for the shots to illustrate the posts, so it’s a bit of a nostalgia hit too!
STYLIST MAGAZINE – In yet another dream-come-true I’ve been writing a few pieces for Stylist online – on Instagram, white paint, moving the the countryside and more. Catch my latest posts here.

Ok, enough self publicity!
Hopefully this at the very least gives you a glimpse at what I’m doing when I’m not posting here – & what’s involved in a ‘portfolio business’! ?
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Leave a Comment
March 31, 2016
Congratulations, you’ve done so many amazing things lately! I bet they’re all really to read/watch too 🙂 I’m not attending Blogtacular this year but I’m thinking of applying as a speaker next year as I’ve started public speaking myself – good luck at the conference!
March 29, 2016
Wow! So much wonderful stuff! Congratulations to you – and thank you for being such an inspiration just by being who you are. 🙂
Lindsay Eryn
March 29, 2016
Congratulations, Sarah! You deserve the attention! When I first discovered your work and all your tips, I told me husband that night, and I haven’t really stopped talking about you. In our house in Atlanta, you’re known as The Girl With The Amazing Instagram But Who Also Gives Legitimate, ACTUALLY Practical Advice On Being A Better iPhone and Instagram Photographer And Who Doesn’t Just Post Fluffy Crap Like Everyone Else. I’m sure it’s cliche, but thanks for being down to earth about all of this like a normal person! 😀
Rebecca Harrison
March 28, 2016
Congratulations on all the amazing things!!
March 27, 2016
Congrats on your success, definitely well deserved! Hopefully you find some moments of quiet in there too 🙂
Alyssa J Freitas
March 27, 2016
Congrats on all of the work! it’s truly wonderful to be in demand 🙂
Jane Day
March 27, 2016
Good things come to those who wait or something like that! You go girl amazing stuff and I would definitely have a minion making my tea! Jx
Rosie | A Rosie Outlook
March 27, 2016
So excited for you, I have loved spotting you in Stylist magazine and will definitely be looking out for you in Ideal Home! I definitely don’t think you should be making your own tea after all of that publicity, teehee! <3
Elaine (sunflowerof21)
March 27, 2016
Wow, all amazing stuff. Some fab tips there too – I’m off to discover. Thank you! 🙂
March 27, 2016
Really wonderful! So good to see you prospering through all your hard work and creativity ???
March 27, 2016
Definitely kind of a big deal, and how very well earned and wonderful! Thank you for sharing and now I’m off for some good reads while the littlest has his morning feed 🙂