Building a courage habit and living alongside our fears, with Kate Swoboda

“I’m not into the fearless thing. I don’t think that exists. You can fear, comma, less, but you can’t be fearless.”

Kate Swoboda, aka Kate Courageous, started out as a life coach but found herself consumed by the question of courage. Kate’s work and our conversation in this episode looks at courage as it relates to personal development, releasing overwhelm, business and marketing, money mindset, wellness, increasing emotional resilience, and healthy goal-setting using habit-formation techniques.

Kate’s website |Facebook|Instagram|Book

Things we talk about in this episode:

  • Being with the discomfort of being afraid
  • How to recognise fear when it shows up in our lives
  • Inducing emotional resilience
  • Habit formation, and how to rig it in your favour
  • The four strategies that Kate teaches: Accessing the body, listening without attachment, reframing stories, reaching out and creating community.
  • The power of naming things we’re going through
  • Perfectionism, comparison-itis, burn-out, overwork.
  • Self sabotage, procrastination, cutting off options, taking advice from the wrong people.
  • Martyrdom, putting other people or other circumstances as a higher priority than our own.
  • Pessimism, avoidance, ‘what’s the point?’, ‘I’m not good enough‘ feelings.
  • Parenting in an age of awareness about human psychology
  • My own experiences of self doubt (and the temptation to nap!)
  • Treating challenges as our warrior training, and using game theory to use every moment of fear as an opportunity.
  • Knowing when to leave your day job (and when not to)
  • The basal ganglia and how we accidentally wire it to expect the wrong things
  • How hunger, loneliness, anger or tiredness causes resistance

Links we mention in this episode: