My guest this week, author and journalist Fiona Thomas, credits social media with triggering anxiety in the midst of an episode of deep depression – and then helping her find her way back to herself. In this week’s conversation, we talk about the importance of boundaries, self-worth, productivity, Instagram, mental illness and community, and how we can weave them all together to stay happy and healthy online.
Things we talk about in this episode:
- How Fiona found blogging as a way to improve her mental health
- Fiona’s book and podcast
- The positive power of social media for mental health
- Why the friends and communities you make on social media matter
- Why diet culture sucks
- How to maintain a healthy relationship with the internet
- Why your self-worth and status should not be defined by your job or levels of productivity
- How finding your creative outlet can help your mental health
- Creative flow state, and why creativity takes many different forms
- The dangers of toxic positivity
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Fiona’s book – Depression in a Digital Age: The Highs and Lows of Perfectionism
- Fiona’s blog –
- Fiona and Amy Holland’s podcast – Positive People Podcast
- Fiona’s instagram – @fionalikestoblog
- Fiona’s twitter – @fionalikes
- My Twitter – @meandorla
- My Instagram – @me_and_orla
- My website
- Laura Thomas – Hashtag Authentic Episode
- The Forrest App
- Jen Carrington
- I Can Cards – adults, children