“you have to charge for this – seriously!”
It feels oddly scary to be sharing my Instagram secrets. I have this fear that if I equip everyone to do what I do, there won’t be enough success to go round, and it’ll all grind to a halt.
But I’m sharing anyway – partly because I just love chatting about this stuff, and also partly because deep down, I don’t really believe it’s as simple as that. You can do everything right, but without that spark – that creative something behind the images – no amount of kindling & optimisation will make an account catch fire.
So this isn’t for everyone – but I think it’s for you. You, who feels pretty sure they could do what they see others doing, if they could just get focussed. You who takes beautiful photos but struggles to get anyone to see. You who has a gorgeous creative mind, and needs an Instagram account that reflects that.
You, discerning reader of this excellent blog 😉

{beautiful iPad keyboard and case by Oree. #omg!}
totally free
Just sign up below!
After I finished my ebook I sent it out to a few friends for a proof-read & some feedback, before I let it loose on the world. The feedback made me smile.
“I’m learning a lot and finding it more interesting than I thought I would!”
“it’s so professional!”
“you must charge for this!!!”
Despite my lovely (mercenary) friends’ protestations, I’m not charging for it – my 7 day virtual course is totally free. To be fully transparent, I should confess that I am slightly testing the waters here for the possibility of running a paid-for courses from at some point in future. But you’re under no obligation at all! 😉
7 days to a better Instagram
For the last few months I’ve been quietly trying to get all of my instagram-wisdom down onto paper. This turned out to be a surprisingly painful process – a lot like childbirth, only with a quicker recovery time. My thoughts did not emerge arranged in neat categories. I used a whole pack of Martha Stuart post its!
The 7 day Insta-retreat is made up of the things I most often tell people when they ask for my top tips. It’s a quick start guide to upping your instagame, with 7 awesome strategies to shake up your gallery & help you focus on what you really want to achieve. All you need is 30 minutes a day, preferably with a cup of tea or a glass of wine, and some room to think.
let’s start on Monday
You can start any time, and work through it at your own pace, but I thought it might be fun to have an official week where people can jump in together – I know how hard it is to actually make a start on something like this! With that in mind, I’m nominating next week, starting Monday 12th October.
To join in, just sign up for my emails to get your copy of the guide. I’ll post daily reminders on Instagram & Twitter, and you can tag your posts with #theinstaretreat to share your work with everyone, and get direct feedback from me & everyone else.

more to come
I’m hoping to offer some full-length courses and workshops by Christmas, and I hope you’ll stick around to hear more about it. I’m going to be spilling all my secrets, including the stuff I’ve never seen shared elsewhere. I’m pretty excited – and, of course, fairly terrified!
ps – If you have a minute, I’d love your answers to my little survey here to help me figure out what people want to know.
pps – already signed up but haven’t received it? Check your spam filter carefully – most people find it there! If it definitely isn’t, leave me a comment below and I’ll look into it! x
Hashtags for Instagram
Every month, I gather up a selection of winning hashtags and send them straight to your inbox, for free.
Sign up to receive my newsletters every month.
Leave a Comment
Hazel Boyer
September 01, 2016
Dear Sara, i just discover your world thanks to Milk. it’s so delicate.
I would love to read your ebook but it didnt came to my email box. Can you send it to me when you have time ? Thank you
Jacob Ewing
February 19, 2016
Heloo i have signed up for the e book but havent recieved it yet!! i really want to read it!
Sara Tasker
November 08, 2015
Thanks Kate! Hope you enjoyed it! xx
Sara Tasker
November 08, 2015
Oh no! I’m sorry I’m late in seeing this comment, but I definitely will. You can download the whole ebook from any of the messages though, so you should be able to get everything there! x
Sara Tasker
November 08, 2015
Haha, I’d say they were legit reasons, not excuses! Did you get chance to read through any of it in the end? I’d love to hear your thoughts! x
Juliet Efendieva
October 19, 2015
Thank you for this tips, they are really helpful and inspiring as well! Sorry to bother you, but I didn’t recive two messages : Day 1 and Day 3( Could you look into it, please?
Kate Eden
October 17, 2015
What a great idea! I’m a but late to this but excited to join in!
Sara Tasker
October 14, 2015
hooray! sorry you had problems at first, but glad it found its way there in the end. Turns out emailing people is tricker than I thought! haha! x
Sara Tasker
October 14, 2015
Hi Ally! Is it the email address you’re commenting from? Let me know, & I can add you manually 🙂 S x
Sara Tasker
October 14, 2015
Hi Alexandra! Are you still having issues? Let me know your email address & I can add you manually 🙂 S x
Sara Tasker
October 14, 2015
Thanks Emma! So glad you like the look of it. Fingers crossed it’s helpful for you xx
Sara Tasker
October 14, 2015
oh no! I shall see what I’ve done wrong… no doubt something silly! Thanks Belinda x
Jesse Lili
October 12, 2015
Thank you so much for sharing this ebook Sara and I’m very excited to start the retreat, I might do it this week or I might read it this week and do it during my trip to Wales + Menorca at the end of the month to have interesting subjects to photograph. Although as I’m saying this I’m hearing excuses… 🙂 Jesse x
Belinda Norrington
October 12, 2015
Thanks for generously putting your Insta advice out there! I tried to do the survey but it said it wasn’t available?
Emma Helen
October 12, 2015
Just received it! Very exciting, and you can see all the thought and care you’ve put into this. You’re very kind to share and always inspire others – thanks Sara x
Alexandra Hopkins
October 11, 2015
Hello, sorry to bother you, (and i have been that annoying person who also messaged you on instagram as my mac had run out of battery ha!) I have signed up to this a few times and still nothing has come through on my emails, nor through my junk/spam. Wasn’t sure if you could help at all. The email address is different to this one.
Thankyou, i really don’t want to miss out on this !
October 10, 2015
I signed up a while back, but due to inbox issues never found the
e-book. Well I just rechecked, and do have it, so I am writing this in
on my planner for Monday! 🙂