There’s a chicken in my kitchen.
There’s a chicken in my kitchen quite a lot these days, to be honest; when she isn’t there she’s generally sitting on the sofa, sleeping by a radiator or, at best, pecking at the window on the front door. I’m not sure she fully understands what being a chicken’s about.
Her name’s Matilda & we’ve had her for years, outside. She’s had two coop-mates, and outlived them both, and since then she’s just sort of decided that we are her remaining flock. It seems cruel to correct her, really.
So she waits on the doorstep at dusk, tucking her head under a wing & snoozing if we’re late home & darkness falls. She pushes her way in ahead of us all as we open the door, striding into the kitchen to peck up breakfast crumbs & stray strings of Orla’s spaghetti. She’ll spend a while doing her feathers – far longer than I ever seem to spend doing my hair – then take a drink from the cat’s water bowl and head to bed. The cats’ bed, as it happens, but they’re too stunned to object.

Visitors are less easily silenced. ‘THE EAGLE IS COMING!‘ wails my friend’s 5 year old, as she eyes his toast hungrily by his feet. We quietly push her out the door.
In the day, she wanders the village, digging up the neighbours plants and laying eggs in their sheds & flowerbeds. She has an outdoor house with a pen, but if I lock her in, she shouts – shouts & shouts a crazy chicken shout – so I do what any sane person would do; I buy a chicken nappy on etsy, and let her in.

Photos of me by my dear, dear friend Ali Dover.
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Kim Masters
August 09, 2015
I discovered your wonderful blog this weekend via IG and have been working my way through your posts and this one is the best so far! ‘The Eagle is coming’, and ‘chicken nappy’ 🙂 x
April 08, 2015
This is the most wonderful story. Chickens are just so sweet, and definitely misunderstood in the grand scheme of things.
The Daydreamer
March 22, 2015
She’s a real character, that’s sure and she makes me want to raise roosters even more… hopefully one day…
March 20, 2015
Hehe, I love that you have a feathered friend who kinda seems to rule the roost a little bit! x
March 18, 2015
Haha thanks Emory! I don’t always feel like I have a lot of choice tbh! 😉
March 18, 2015
Thanks Amanda! It’s a lot of fun 😉
March 18, 2015
Hahahaha she’s almost as funny as her mummy! Poor Eme. At least she knows what a shouting chicken sounds like now. Not many 2 year olds can say that! 😉
March 18, 2015
A goat! A Pygmy goat! Please get one so I can live vicariously through you 😀
We saved and dreamed of this for a long time – I feel like I spent my whole life dreaming of it, in fact! It’s worth the wait, promise x
March 18, 2015
Haha yes, you’ve described her perfectly! She’s got serious sass! 🙂
March 18, 2015
Oh do it, do it! You honestly won’t regret it one bit. Fresh eggs in the morning and the funniest, sweetest of pets 🙂
March 18, 2015
The nappy is a bit of a nightmare tbh. She takes it off like a Houdini chicken or similar. But yes, caecal poops outside only!! Ugh!
Abi | These Four Walls blog
March 18, 2015
Oh she’s adorable! A chicken with real personality!
Amanda Kenney
March 17, 2015
So, so fun and precious. <3
Emory Ann Kurysh
March 16, 2015
This is hilarious! Good on you for listening to a chicken’s wants and needs. 🙂
March 16, 2015
The first thing Eme said when she woke today was “don’t like chicken noise” she has a very serious frown and shakes her head while she says it 🙂
Jen B
March 16, 2015
This is amazing!! making saving up for a move to the country with children, chickens (and a goat?!) even more exciting!
susan // fleurishing
March 16, 2015
I’ve been wanting to get chickens for some time now…we have room in our backyard for a coop. How adorable – and a chicken nappy?! Who knew!! Love.
March 15, 2015
I absolutely adore your dress. And your chicken. Hope the chicken nappy is working out alright. Does she do those horrible early morning poos outside? x
March 15, 2015
Yes!! I would never have guessed just how clever they can be; Matilda has always been incredibly bright. She outwits the dog & the cats all the time!
Hope you get your own little flock someday! x
March 15, 2015
😀 chickens in the new bin shed?
March 15, 2015
Thanks Hannah! It is, I’ll admit, slightly less brilliant when you stand in a warm chicken poop barefoot…. x
March 15, 2015
😀 thanks Rebecca!
March 15, 2015
I love this so much. My parents had chickens and they were real characters, if mum was late with their food they would come and knock on the door and shout at her! I long for chickens…
March 15, 2015
This is fab! Hello chicken!
Hannah Frances
March 15, 2015
Ha, brilliant! X
March 15, 2015
Love this!