Happy twenty-sixteen! No doubt I’ll continue to write 2015 for at least another three or four months yet – some days I still think it’s 1997 – but for context, there it is.
Last year I leapt into January with a pretty exhaustive list of all the things I needed to slow down, and I kicked a surprising amount of ass. In fact, my whole life has changed a lot since then – so much so that the very last thing I need for 2016 is to give myself a whole new to do list to launch the year.

So, when my friend Sas told me about her My Mindful Year project, I was very excited. This is what I need –  a gentle monthly reminder to be nice to myself, stay sane, and appreciate the good stuff in between all the crap. In the words of Ani Difranco  ‘I don’t always feel lucky, but I’m smart enough to try’. & if there’s anyone I trust to guide me, it’s the ever-sassy Ms Petherick.
Sas & I first met when she signed up for Instagram mentoring (see her beautiful photography? That’s really aaallll credit to me 😉 ). Within the first ten minutes of our chat it became apparent she was extremely awesome,  and as I set about planning our future BFFship & figuring out how I’d get her to introduce herself to you, too. So, without further ado, here she is…

HELLO I AM… Sas Petherick – I’m a coach and I’ve helped hundreds of woman change how they think and feel about their lives.

MY TWITTER BIO READS… big-hearted & bullshit-free cognitive coach, coffee is my spirit animal, fascinated.

WHAT IT DOESN’T SAY IS… that I’m a kiwi – my parents were both from the North East of England, but I was born in a tiny fishing village in the South Island of New Zealand, called Waikouaiti (don’t worry, no one can pronounce it). Because I now live in Berkshire, England (80% tweed) its usually a surprise when people hear my accent.

WE’RE LIKELY TO GET ALONE IF… enjoy the comedic stylings of Catastrophe, are barely suppressing a secret crush on The Imp from Game of Thrones #teamtyrion and aren’t offended by swears.

MY MINDFUL YEAR IS… an invitation to really notice your own life, join a lovely supportive community on the Instagrams and be in to win some gorgeous goodies each month.

IT ISN’T… a purist approach to mindfulness where you spend 10 minutes tasting a raisin (because that makes me want to self-harm).

IT IS… super easy to participate – each month I’ll send you an email with the theme we’re exploring and fun and pragmatic resources to play with. The monthly themes will serve as prompts for sharing on Instagram with the hashtag #mymindfulyear  It’s also totally free to join and each month there will be a gorgeous theme-related giftbox of goodies up for grabs (I’m partnering with the most talented creative makers to bring you a fabulous dose of loveliness each month #waybetterthanauntflo )

I’M HOPING IT WILL… help you to notice how you show up in your life, and provide some fun and practical nudges for making changes that feel good to you, so that you can think, feel and live on purpose.

The theme for January is restful moments with a free wallpaper by moi with the first email.
You in? Sign up below.

Have you made any resolutions for 2016?

Sas’ call to intentionality is pretty much it for me  – well, that & purging all my clutter, developing a six-figure business & getting a DM on twitter from Mark Hamill.

Same?  Let me know in the comments!

Hashtags for Instagram

Every month, I gather up a selection of winning hashtags and send them straight to your inbox, for free.

Sign up to receive my newsletters every month.


  • Ola z Apetycznego WnÄ™trza

  • January 04, 2016

Happy New Year! 🙂 Great thing! One of my resolutions is to make better my Instagram account 🙂 so … it is the next step after Instaretreat 🙂 thank you Sara for that! 🙂

  • Jenna Michelle Pink

  • January 01, 2016

Ah this is a lovely idea. I have signed up. I need a reminder to mindfully. I have a mini list in my head right now about my goals for this year…many involve streamlining, decluttering and slowing down. 🙂

  • The Happy Flat

  • January 01, 2016

I wish the comment was still up but I think I get the jist of it. I had a friend once (I use the term loosely) who did the same thing and made rude comments on my blog when she could have so easily called me or sent me an email. Needless to say she was terminated immediately. People like that don’t even deserve our time, or a second-thought. Especially when as bloggers we spend so much time & passion on our blogs. Constructive criticism is great, just not idiotic ones.

But I did want to say that I love this post Sara. Looking forward to seeing how this develops throughout the year!

P.s: Loved your talk at the Nuffnang event last month!

  • RabonaNutmeg

  • January 01, 2016

Did you read Sara’s post for the meaning, or proofread it for errors? How about just being grateful for Sara’s words, instead of finding fault? A huge amount of effort and good intention goes into a blogpost such as this. In any case, you still understood what she meant, which is the whole point of communication, not whether it’s grammatically correct. Happy New Year!

  • Anne-Marie Mackin

  • January 01, 2016

As ever a delightful post Sara. I have started following Mark Hammill to see how quickly your wish comes true. Best wishes to you all for a lovely year.

  • Julia Williams

  • January 01, 2016

This sounds great! Off to check out Sas’s IG right now xx

  • Sara Tasker

  • January 01, 2016

Sloppy typing, not writing – it was NYE & I was merry. I wish you’d chosen one of the thousands of less rude ways to alert me to it, though.
When me & Mark Hamill are best friends, you can’t hang out with us 😉

  • Tanya Kuznetsova

  • January 01, 2016

Sorry to be annoying but I wish you proofread the post. A surprising ‘about of ass’ and ‘likely to get alone’? Nice post otherwise but sloppy writing doesn’t add to it.

  • Kizzy

  • January 01, 2016

What a great idea, I’ve signed up and can’t wait to see where it takes me

  • Helen

  • December 31, 2015

Oh I love the sound of this. And I love the sound of Sas, who I’ve just seen has a gorgeous IG feed. (I’ve never seen Game of Thrones though, but please don’t hold that against me ?)

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