This is not a post about anxious drivers. I am not an anxious driver – if anything I’m really quite a gung-ho driver, convinced (like everyone else) that I’m usually setting a pretty good example on the roads.
I do, however, have a bit of an anxiety disorder, which can sometimes trigger some unusual motoring concerns. As I’ve gotten older I’ve become better at discerning what is and isn’t likely to be true, so I’m sharing that wisdom here. I’m dearly hoping someone relates…
- Other drivers are not judging you based on the speed of your windscreen wipers. It’s ok to set it wherever it’s helpful to you – they’re not even looking.
- If someone overtakes you on a country lane when you’re driving the speed limit, it doesn’t mean they hate you or you’re a terrible driver. Sometimes it means they’re in a hurry, and you’re not. Or they’re really familiar with the road, and you’re not. Or they’re a massive douchebag, and you’re not. But that’s ok – none of those things are to do with you. Do the speed that feels safe for you and feel reassured
- That car that speeds up when you overtake them in the outside lane? Yeah, they’re really doing that. They’re doing it because you’ve just reminded them they were driving like an arsehole doing 60 in the middle lane, and now you’re overtaking them they want to pretend you were mistaken. You weren’t.
- Your engine might be smoking/on fire – or it might just be that you have smudges on your glasses. Rule that one out first.
- If you’re concerned that your engine is making a strange noise, just turn the radio up! This would normally be terrible advice, but in the case of drivers with anxiety, you’re likely to be imagining it and may eventually develop car hypochondria, which I suffered from for several years with my lovely Nissan Figaro. Although that did eventually die of engine failure, so on reflection, perhaps I was right…
- If you run out of petrol, it’s not totally the end of the world. I say this because it has happened to me and if felt like the end of the world – like a huge drama I’d forever rue, but it turned out fine. You just walk to a petrol station, buy a canister for the right type of fuel, fill it up and walk back to your car. No big thing. I mean like, try not to obviously, but if it happens, you’ll be fine.
- People aren’t always beeping at you. Just because you heard a beep within a two mile radius does not mean it applies to you.
- Similarly, the car behind you probably isn’t flashing its high beam lights at you – it may be just going over a bump in the road. They’re not indicating your car is on fire or missing a wheel or has a zombie clinging to the roof – it’s just a crappy road surface, so relax.
- The cleanliness of your car is not an indication of your worthiness. This is a memo my family haven’t quite got yet, so the fact that Orla frequently scatters cheerios from her childseat is a formative factor in our relationship. The good news is people who judge you on the cleanliness of your car are unanimously shallow, insecure idiots, so a messy car is actually a really handy way to weed them out of your life. And if you need further persuasion, may I point out that Luke Skywalker had a really messy car.
- Cars don’t self heal. This is a sad reality for both us and the cars, as I’d always hoped a nice rest might negate the need to visit a garage and do that whole no-you-can’t-rip-me-off-because-I’m-female dance. But such is life!
I hope this has been as helpful to you as it has been to me, fellow anxious folk. Happy driving!
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Sara Tasker
April 03, 2016
It feels SO good to know it isn’t just me! haha!
Juliana Bermingham
March 04, 2016
hahaha the anxiety about wipers and honking is TOTALLY me!
Sara Tasker
February 09, 2016
Kat, this is the greatest comment! Thank you so much – sometimes I think I’m just throwing random crap out there when everyone else has such a clear theme, but that’s not how life is, right? I did a bloglovin’ post a while back, but think it was mainly photo inspiration – will look at doing a fave blogs one too 🙂
Sara Tasker
February 09, 2016
Hahaha yes! And do you know, even since writing this post, it’s happened to me and I’ve assumed it was for me… ?
Sara Tasker
February 09, 2016
This is such a comforting comment. It’s a relief to know it’s not just me!
Sara Tasker
February 09, 2016
Were – past tense, oh so sadly :(. I reckon our Bugaboo Bee would’ve fit in the top boot, but the carseats would never have been as safe as an ISOfix. One day I’ll have another!
Sara Tasker
February 09, 2016
Yaaay! I knew it couldn’t just be me! x
Old Fashioned Susie
February 09, 2016
This made me chuckle! And I should have known you were a Fig owner or were?? I’ve wanted one for ages but the pesky kids seats fitting in or not fitting in along with buggy storage has been the reason I havent had one yet! x
Rachel Phipps
February 08, 2016
I officially love you for this.
Sheepskins Fairylights
February 06, 2016
Oh my days, so funny, so true! I feel like you have extracted thoughts only I had 🙂 Xx
Gillian Roe
February 06, 2016
This is brilliant, I loved it. The car horn thing! I always worry that it’s intended for me, even actually looking over my shoulder. Madness.
Leigh M.
February 05, 2016
oh wow – I thought it was just me who had “driving thoughts” like this – love (and thanks)!
Jenna Michelle Pink
February 04, 2016
Oh this was so written for me. I don’t drive yet. About to have lessons that I am putting off due to anxiety.. Joy.
Mirka Moore
February 04, 2016
Some great tips! I actually ran out of petrol when I was in my early 20, a new driver, and still remember how sick i felt, left in the middle of the road with no petrol and no advice….. BTW, very excited about meeting you at your workshop in March. I am also @Kahanka 😉
Kat Terek
February 04, 2016
I think I am totally becoming a regular on your blog. I’ve been searching for a blog with a vibe like yours in UK blogosphere for ages and most of the stuff just doesn’t click for me. It seems like everyone is just writing about parenting/fashion/beauty/shopping and cooking and while these topics are interesting, others, like driving and tarot are too! I want more magic in the everyday topics:) And I would love to read a post about the blogs you read regularly, Sara. Or maybe there was one but I just didn’t come across it?
Julia Williams
February 04, 2016
3, 8 and 9 – me to a T! Brilliant x
Sara Tasker
February 03, 2016
Yes! I had to chatter inanely at my driving examiner to pass my test – music definitely helps, but if it has a fast tempo I tend to drive more recklessly ?
Sara Tasker
February 03, 2016
? thanks N!
Candy Pop
February 03, 2016
Brilliant – made me smile!
Amy Elizabeth
February 03, 2016
Oh gosh, do I need these tips! I am a really anxious driver – and I’m always worried what other drivers think of me, which is silly really. I find the best thing to do is talk incessantly at a passenger or sing along to some loud music – I’m much more relaxed (and better at driving!) when I’m slightly distracted so I can’t worry as much.