Hashtag Authentic
Episode No.20
All Things Instagram with, Humphrey & Grace
““Instagram was something I used to escape the noise of everyday life.””
Episode No.19
Using Instagram for charity fundraising, with Creating for Good
““The magic happened within two hours one fine morning in Notting Hill. That’s what happens when you get a really motivated group of people together.””
Episode No.18
from journalism to fashion blogging, with Stylonylon
““My blog gives me a salary – this is where I make my full time income.””
Episode No.17
A social media, blogging & Instagram Q&A
“This week it’s the Q&A I promised, and I’m diving into the questions you all sent my way”
Episode No.16
how to get press coverage for your online work, with Janet Murray
““People who think this isn’t important, or ‘I’m going to focus on this next year’ – you’re missing a trick.””
Episode No.15
What brands look for in influencers, with Sally Gurteen
““Followers schmollowers…””
Episode No.14
Creating your ideal working week, with Jen Carrington
““Once we trust that we are giving it 100%, then we can trust that every day 100% looks really different.””
Episode No.13
On really, actually trying, with Sarah Von Bargen
““Anything that has ever changed your life – that person had to stop being afraid of self promotion. They had to pitch the book agent, they had to write promotional tweets, they had to work with a PR agency and talk themselves up. That’s the reality of putting yourself out there.””
Episode No.12
The power of personal projects, with Xanthe Berkeley
““It pushes me to create in a different way. It pushes me to create just for me.””
Episode No.11
Is blogging still relevant? With Kat Molesworth
““Long form content is always going to have a place in the human heart.””
Episode No.10
Managing self doubt, with Sas Petherick
““The only people who don’t have any self doubt are sociopaths.””
Episode No.9
Working as a Pro Instagrammer, with Hannah Argyle
““To be able to create a business out of an app on your mobile phone. It’s amazing.””
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Feeling overwhelmed when it comes to your festive marketing?
Need some fresh ideas to breathe new magic into your content this year?Grab my Festive Marketing Planner and get your festive marketing done and dusted!
Designed to spark your imagination and provide unlimited answers to that eternal question, “what am I supposed to post?”, this guide is your handbook to a very happy (business) Christmas.
With nearly 100 unique, authentic and strategic prompts and post ideas, planning pages and tips and pointers on making the most of your festive content, I hope this will delight and inspire you to sell your stuff with freedom and ease this December. Whether you’re a small business owner, maker, artist or creative, if you sell things to people who celebrate Christmas and the surrounding holidays, this guide is for you.
Hashtags for Instagram
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