Do you ever just get a bit… well, obsessed?
I’m sure it will surprise precisely nobody when I confess that I absolutely do. This month my heart & mind are being consumed by Mark’s Hamill’s fluffy fluffy hair Japanese film photography. I mean, all film photography, obviously, but particularly a style of portraiture and dreamy lifestyle shots I’m seeing from Japanese users.
Here are some of my August insta-loves.

I will learn this. I WILL. Where do I start? Can any of you help me?
Get more awesome Instagram recommendations on the comment thread of this post, here. Big thanks to everyone who contributed!
What’s your take on this style of photography? What’s inspiring you at the moment?
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Alexandra M
September 04, 2016
It’s a VERY beautiful style and if you find out, I’d love to learn about it as well. 😉 My faves are the girl with the tiny fairy lights and the wildflowers looking so soft and elegant. xx
Katrina Sophia
September 01, 2016
Oh my, these are gorgeous!! That is exactly why I shoot film all the time (when I can afford to), my photography is not as good as these obviously but I hope it will get as amazing as I practise haha.
Katrina Sophia
August 23, 2016
I started out with film and then I left it alone for a good decade – just got my Nikon Fe 35mm and Bronica Medium format out again – why did I neglect them for so long? Bloody expensive getting film processed though!
August 22, 2016
Your Blog ist so unterstand dear…I just Fonds it now by follwing you…can’t stoppen reading. Have a nice evening!
Many greetings, Daniela (Wunderblumen)
Abigail I Spy Land
August 22, 2016
Wow! I can see why you’ve got a little obsessed with them! They’re stunning!
August 17, 2016
So gorgeous… Let’s do a shoot together inspired by these? If you wanna…
Lucy Cairns
August 17, 2016
I can’t wait to start it but it hasn’t come through yet, is there a bit of a delay and I am just being over eager? Instagram name is @lucymaycairns 🙂 xx
Sara Tasker
August 17, 2016
SO dreamy. I wish I knew where to start. Probably by buying a film camera, I suppose!
Sara Tasker
August 17, 2016
Ha! That could never sound eurgh – it’s a wonderful compliment! Hope you enjoy the Instaretreat! Hook me up with the name of your account so I can check in with your progress and pics! 🙂 xxx
Lucy Cairns
August 17, 2016
I totally understand the new obsession, these photos are beautiful and not to sound eurgh, but my new obsession is your blog! (Sorry, couldn’t quite think of a world). It’s beautiful and I have just started your Instagram E-course so hopefully mine will be too soon!