podcasts for creatives

Podcasts are my main source of education these days. It used to be books, or online articles – but since having Orla and starting my business I’ve found it increasingly hard to find the time (and, er, to stay awake long enough) to just sit and read. Enter, the podcast.

I listen while I drive. I listen while I cook, and edit photos, and take walks, and put the laundry away. I enjoy it so much that I find myself taking the longer route home or tackling unnecessary household tasks just so I can keep listening!

& because my time is precious and I’m a crazy-obsessivedriven personality, 95% of my podcast playlists are work-related. I realise that sounds insanely dull, but with the following recommendations, it feels more like catching up with your business-besties for coffee and world domination planning! I find it’s a great way to start my day after dropping Orla, and really gets me motivated and in the right head space to tackle my to do list.

Here are my current faves.

7 podcasts for online creatives

1. Explore your Enthusiasm with Tara Swiger

I was first introduced to this podcast by my friend Helen, an illustrator and children’s book author. On paper neither of us is exactly the target audience for Tara’s work, which is officially more targeted at handmade businesses for crafters. If like me and Helen that isn’t quite what you do, don’t be dissuaded. Tara’s mix of soulful, heartfelt advice with practical tips for actually making money is a rare and special combination. Plus sometimes you hear her dogs in the background, which is extra cute!

2. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

This is the ‘meatiest’ podcast on my sub list, and I confess there are some days where I feel a little overwhelmed by it. But on capable days it gives me a firm kick up the arse, and plenty of fresh ideas and perspectives on how to make my business seriously profitable, right now.

3. Elise gets Crafty

Elise is the creator of the Get to Work book planner I mention in this post, and a successful pro blogger in the crafting sector. Her podcast is great for anyone trying to make their blog based business into something bigger, and is a nice calm and chatty listen to start the day.

4. Soulful PR with Janet Murray

Janet’s a journalist and editor who’s written for The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Huffington Post and many more. She coaches creatives and businesses on how to get exposure for your business in the press, and her podcast takes a wider view and looks at how to promote your business effectively wherever you are. It’s a different angle that nobody else really covers, and there’s tons of useful, in-depth info in her episodes.

5. Make it Happen with Jen Carrington

As I’ve mentioned before, Jen was my creative coach when I was first building my blog into a business, and she’s now a friend. Neither of those are the reason I’m recommending her podcast to you though – it is simply one of the most heartfelt, inspiring and motivating things I’ve ever listened to, and I thoroughly urge you to tune in. It’s somewhere between a self help book, therapy session and a chat with your best friend – often in bite-sized ‘mini episode’ chunks that I find perfect for a coffee break or rest from the screen.

6. She Percolates

First up I’m just really mad that I didn’t think of the title first. Coffee analogies + coffee graphics! And they have ‘Friday coffee talk’ and ‘extra shots’. Damn these brilliant women. But I can forgive them, in time, because it’s such a great podcast. Geared entirely around the notion of success, and what that means and looks like to the modern woman, Danielle & Jen serve up a twice-weekly perspective on all things business, living and creativity. Working for yourself can be a lonely business, & their more informal Friday coffee talk episodes are great company if I’m feeling isolated. I just wish I could join in the conversation!

and coming soon…

hashtag authentic instagtram podcast

7. Hashtag Authentic with me, Sara Tasker!

I’m putting the finishing touches to my new monthly podcast, where we’ll talk about all things Instagram, blogging and beyond. I’d love you to listen in (omg what if nobody listens in??) – if you’d like a quick email when the first episode is live, click here, or on the image below.

PS – I’m having total commitment issues with the Podcast name (should it be The Insta Chat? But what about all the things I have to say that are not just for Instagram??) so if it turns up in your inbox with a totally different title, just know it’s still the same show! ?

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What are your favourite podcasts to get inspired and filled up for work? I’m always on the hunt for recommendations, so let me know in the comments!

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  • Lucy Sheref

  • February 03, 2017

Flipping love Jen’s podcast. In fact, that’s how I discovered you! Also love Being Boss, and the Unsorry podcast. And now yours too 🙂

  • June Anderson

  • January 25, 2017

Hi Sara, I love Elise Gets Crafty and will definitely be checking out your other suggestions. Here’s my faves: Raise Your Hand Say Yes with Tiffany Han, Creating Your Own Path, Onward Creatives, Side Hustle School, The Smart Passive Income. New (to me) are Profit. Power. Pursuit. and Thrive By Design. Have a great day!

  • Paula Solar

  • January 24, 2017

I’m not used to podcasts, they’re a relatively new thing in Spain and I think I only listen to… one? I mean I listen to programs here and there but there is only one I always listen to, it’s mainly for geek/nerdy/feminist women although I know it has great male listeners too.

Having said that, I’ll study these podcasts you recommend and I’ll see which of them are suitable for me, I don’t have a business but I think I’m creative enough so that’s what I will focus on when listening to these extraordinary women. However… something tells me that your podcast will be my favourite 😉


  • Azanah Khadduri

  • January 24, 2017

These all sound very inserting I will have to try them out! I an absolutely a podcast junky and I am always looking for new recommendations.

  • Ellie @ Ellacbee

  • January 24, 2017

Hi Nina, I haven’t really found many yet but I really enjoyed ‘filler’ podcast and found Sara Dietschy’s YouTube videos a good resource too!

  • Melodyabroad

  • January 24, 2017

I have had a growing podcast obsession since I got a boring, incredibly quiet desk job. I couldn’t stand talking once I’d got home when I was a teacher..!
Anyway what I really wanted to say was thanks for the recommendations I just listened to your episode on the Jen Carrington podcast, it was great and very insightful.
Btw I know you hate listening to your voice but don’t worry- I promise it’s nice to listen to! X @melodyabroad

  • Flora Emay

  • January 24, 2017

I’ve been looking forward to this post Sara, as I’ve just started to get into podcasts too. Right now I like listening to podcasts while I’m in the bath, tackling my hair (straightening the beejesus out of it right now) or driving to and from work.

I can only assume they’re only going to get more popular as it’s a great way of devouring good content without committing to sitting down somewhere and reading, like you say. 🙂

Thank you for this list of your favourites. I’ll make a start on one or two of them this week! I can’t wait to listen to your podcast either – you’re definitely going to have regular, loyal listeners. 🙂



  • Jo @ Stitches to Treasure

  • January 24, 2017

Aaaaand subscribe, subscrive, subscribe! Thanks so much for those recommendations! I have quite a long commute (eugh) so podcasts are perfect for learning as I drive and therefore not making me feel like it’s ‘dead time’. I shall be tuning in to the above and giving them all a go, plus I’m very much looking forward to hearing yours too. Can I add a few to the list…

While she naps – great for creative business and inspiring stories about what other creative people are doing. http://whileshenaps.com/category/the-podcast/episodes

How I built this – interviews with entrepreneurs on how they built their businesses – good for easy listening and inspiring stories about big companies such as Spanx and Air BnB. http://www.npr.org/podcasts/510313/how-i-built-this

Enjoy! x http://www.stitchestotreasure.com/blog/

  • Nina | Smaracuja

  • January 24, 2017

Hey Ellie, since I do videography as well, I was wondering if you could recommend some podcasts in that field?

And Sara, thanks for the list! I’ll tune in and am excited for your podcast 🙂

  • Ellie @ Ellacbee

  • January 24, 2017

This all sound so good! Have just go onto itunes and downloaded a few episodes of each to start with! Excited to listen! I launched my videography business last summer and was just thinking I would love to listen to some more creative podcasts for ideas! Looking forward to following along with yours as well! 🙂

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