Yesterday would have made an awesome vlog, but it didn’t occur to me until afterwards. Annoying.
We got to spend an afternoon on the twisting sunny lanes that loop around our valley, searching out a wedding venue. We really want a barn, or an agricultural building, or at this point, a half-decent shed – just somewhere simple and spacious in this beautiful landscape we call home.
So, with Orla occupied by her grandparents, R & I had a few hours off together: hot August sun, a picnic on the backseat, and stack of printed fliers to deliver, begging people to let us rent their space.
I think we both knew it would be a bit of an adventure. We met young girls on horseback and ancient men on tractors. We tiptoed around in places we’d never normally get to see – the yards and gardens of homes just glimpsed from the road, our trespass made semi-legitimate by our postbox delivery mission. Some houses around here date back hundreds of years, & we found secret wells, stables, courtyards & lawns. There were huge stately homes we didn’t know were hiding in the trees, & small farmhouses with kitchen doors left open all day, cats sunning themselves on the floor. Total country living porn.

heather from Sara Tasker on Vimeo.
The good news is, we found some definite wedding contenders. We spoke to anyone we saw as we were delivering, and lots were intrigued and positive and said they would be in touch. We’re hopeful; after all, we only need one.
One lovely, friendly lady showed us her gorgeous hay-lined music room, and her secret cat drawbridge. It turns out she makes silver jewellery, which she sells online here. She was lovely easy company, & I could happily have talked with her all day.

Another man had pretty much our perfect barn: bright and airy and dry, with three big, interconnecting ‘rooms’. He seemed interested, but wary, as well he might, though his appeared most concerned about how we’d make sure everyone could get something to drink! I’m crossing my fingers and wishing on every bit of thistle down that blows my way that he might get in touch.
Sadly, the buildings I was most drawn to were all completely impractical for any sort of party – crumbling, damaged, or downright derelict, but still beautiful in their own strange way. I sort of collect snaps of this process, this beautiful decay; I think I like how nature always gets her way in the end.

The above cabin has me fully captivated: an old nest of tables and a bureau, worn by years of Yorkshire weather. How did this happen? You can still see the remains of curtains blowing in the windows. There must be so much more inside – it took restraint to stay out, to just take a picture and nothing more. I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep away…
Does anyone have any other IDEAS for simple wedding venues in West Yorkshire? If you’re married, what kind of wedding did you have, and would you recommend it?
& most importantly, does anyone want to go and steal that table with me in a midnight raid?? 😀
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Joelle McNichol
September 21, 2015
It’s a bit of a late comment now but have you looked at East Riddlesden Hall near Keighley? It’s a National Trust place with a very beautiful old barn and grounds, and are set up with a wedding team etc so you can concentrate on planning the nice and creative bits and have them handle the basics).
My wedding was in 2006 when we were very young. We had fanzines, button badges and the band playing at whose gig we’d met back in 97. It was lots of fun. I do totally wish I could plan it all again now though, and it would be very different. Yours is going to be so magical I am sure.
Hello from a new neighbour (ish) of yours. We just moved from London to a very old house in Calderdale. I very much enjoyed looking at your photos of the hills through our long impatient wait to move in here.
Hilary Grant
September 12, 2015
Sorry Sara, I never noticed this reply. Yes – let form an Instagram gang and break into some old sheds to photograph. Stripy T’s and skinny jeans are the uniform obvs.
Amy Elizabeth
September 01, 2015
It’s maybe not your vibe, but we had our reception at Left Bank in Leeds and it was absolutely perfect: http://blog.jennawoodward.com/2015/05/26/paul-amy-left-bank-leeds-wedding-2/
It was just simple enough for us, and the gorgeous bare bones of the building were so easy to prettify with fairy lights and bunting. There was a little garden out front, which would have been lovely in good weather but it poured with rain so we were happy inside! I’d definitely recommend it!
Vanessa Clarkson
September 01, 2015
Thank you ?. We were so lucky with the weather. I don’t think I really realised the impact rain would have had until the day itself… We would have held the ceremony in the yurt. We had to get a very big one for all the guests, so it would have been fine, albeit a tad cabin-fever-esque in there all day. It’s amazing how costs spiralled because of choosing somewhere with no amenities… Generators, toilets etc. all add up *taps nose*. X
Sara Tasker
August 31, 2015
Oh, it sounds like heaven! Come and stay and lets all go together! 😀
I’m crossing everything that you’re right about the venue. We’ve booked a photographer, so we’re going to have to get married one way or another! 😀
Hilary Grant
August 29, 2015
AH, I love that video of the heathers so much! This is the kind of thing I usually get up to at weekends with my OH as well. We usually end up tracking across fields climbing into old half-ruined houses with a camera to collect architectural details and layouts to use as inspiration for his work. Or at least that is our excuse! I’m sure something great will come up sooner or later for a venue – word gets around in the country!
Juliette @ the evening glow
August 29, 2015
I sure won’t! I have to catch the train now, otherwise it’ll be morning by the time I arrive there and we won’t have any time left 😉 (ps: in the previous comment it was “magical”, not “maid”, awkward!)
Sara Tasker
August 29, 2015
brilliant! Don’t forget your SWAG bag and burglars mask x
Sara Tasker
August 29, 2015
Hmm.. these were more witch/ghost residences than vampire/monster. Must be different from county to county! Of I had one of these ruins I’d totally make it work as a venue, Ross & Emily style.. x
Sara Tasker
August 29, 2015
OMG Vanessa. Your wedding is a total dream – and I’m definitely not just saying that! I love your simple white and flowers, the venue, the yurts (& i had previously point blank refused to consider yurts! ha!). It’s all beautiful. What was your contingency plan for rain? The weather really concerns me, even though we’re looking at August… x
Sara Tasker
August 29, 2015
Oh I REALLY hope so Xanthe. Do you promise? x
Sara Tasker
August 29, 2015
Thanks love. Don’t uncross until I give you the nod, ok? 😉 xx
Sara Tasker
August 29, 2015
Thanks Autumn. Yeah, this countryside is pretty spectacular! So lucky x
Juliette @ the evening glow
August 29, 2015
Yep, I’m coming with you! 🙂
These place look wonderful, you will have a maid wedding, I am sure!
August 29, 2015
That jewellery (that Ruth makes!) is gorgeous!
August 29, 2015
I love the countryside for finding abandoned buildings and derelict homes. Of course, as a child, I didn’t appreciate them because I thought monsters/vampires lived in them all. And that Heather field just makes me want to frolic!
Vanessa Clarkson
August 29, 2015
This was ours near Masham – http://www.boho-weddings.com/2015/02/03/woodland-wedding-by-mckinley-rodgers/.
Married in woodland and ceremony in a yurt 🙂
August 29, 2015
Your venue will reveal itself, keep trusting that! xxx
mascara & mud
August 29, 2015
Exciting stuff!! Crossing everything for you in the hope that you hear off one of these soon!
August 29, 2015
The countryside there is so beautiful!!! Good luck finding your wedding venue!