Thank f*ck it’s spring.
I mean really, winter. Don’t let the door hit you, etc etc.
Is it just me? I don’t even feel like this winter was especially long, but it’s slowly started gnawing at my soul. I generally quite like the colder weather; I’m a big fan of the snow & log fires & scarves & boots. I like the necessity of blankets after dark. I could easily take another few months of steaming mugs of tea & wooly socks.
It’s the deadness that’s getting to me. Out of the window, just a sea of brown and grey. The biggest surprise in our Ideal Home feature (because, did I mention, our house is in Ideal Home this month? *hairflip*) was how lush and green it looked outside the windows. Did it REALLY ever look like that? Did we spend last summer in Eden or something?!

Now, thankfully, finally, Spring is tiptoeing in. A few days in London made this abundandly clear – a day without coat or tights, frolicking under the magnolias with Luke Skywalker (because I have this viral Luke Skywalker project – did I mention that too? *further hairflip*). Lunch outside with sparkling elderflower gin in the sun.
Up here in the hills it’s a little less present, but the signs are slowly emerging. Tiny bulges of buds on the brown twigs of winter; birdsong in the evening. The tiny baby bunny our cat dragged in last night – now safely rescued and being hand-weaned by the vets, to be returned to us, tame, as a new little pet. Fresh little lambs in the rolling fields and everywhere – even on my drives into the grey of the city – a swarm of sunny daffodils.

In riotous celebration, I am launching a new hashtag project over on Instagram called #TFIspring. (If you don’t like swearing, that’s fine by me – just mentally insert your own f-word like ‘Force’ or ‘fun’ or ‘famous five’). I’ll be sharing and highlighting my faves, and would love you to join in! Anything springy goes – from bright new blooms to shiny new shoes. I’ll see you there.

Follow the yellow bloom road. Pack a picnic, and maybe an extra layer, and let’s trot onwards to spring. I can smell it on the breeze, & something tells me it’s going to be glorious.
Hashtags for Instagram
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Sara Tasker
April 10, 2016
Haha! Thanks Divya – love the idea of you working your way through that madness together. Your lovely words mean such a lot xxx
Sara Tasker
April 10, 2016
Same – I’ve found the best solution is to keep a running list in my iPhone notes & copy and paste as necessary.
What’s not to love about baby animals and slowly ebbing daylight, whilst drowning in flowers? You’ve made me long for it even more! x
Sara Tasker
April 10, 2016
hahaha! but they ARE, for sure! Sounds like it’s been sizzling for you over there. Hope you manage to find a copy of Ideal Home – will share some snaps on here once i get chance too so people can see how fancy they made our house look! hehe! x
Sara Tasker
April 10, 2016
Thank you Farrah! Yes, the dead trees and the dead light are the real killers in winter. So ready for fresh green buds and bright evenings!
Sara Tasker
April 10, 2016
I so agree Kayleigh – winter needs to blow on out. Thanks for the photo love! x
Kayleigh Wright
April 04, 2016
I am so glad it’s spring! I couldn’t deal with Winter anymore, it was getting me down. Now the warm weather is something to look forward to! Beautiful photos, especially the first one 🙂
Kayleigh | anenthusiasmfor.blogspot.co.uk
April 03, 2016
The feeling is mutual! Last night my husband and I binged on your Luke Skywalker Insta account and that was an evening well spent! lol! Your pictures tell a story and I cannot get enough of them! x
April 02, 2016
I fear I may be turning into my mother but aren’t those daffodils glorious! It’s been a long hot summer in Sydney ( I think we had the hottest March on record) and we don’t really have winter but I am looking forward to nights cold enough to light a fire and snuggle into a cozy sweater. I will be keeping an eye on my newsagents ‘foreign’ shelf- your Ideal Home will probably appear in May!
April 02, 2016
Oh how exciting! I will have to try and remember the new hashtag, I am terrible for completely forgetting to use them. I am also so happy Spring is here, it always fills my heart with joy. I think it’s the colours and smells as well as the baby animals with daylight slowly but surely ebbing into what once was dusk.
Sara Tasker
April 02, 2016
Oh so jealous – but aren’t we always that way about the opposite of what we have? Thanks Divya – lovely to ‘meet’ you & looking forward to following your blog & on twitter! x
Sara Tasker
April 02, 2016
yes! Onwards and upwards to brighter days! x
Jordyn Schwersky
April 02, 2016
This post is so relevant right now. This winter killed me, and I could not be happier that spring is here. Things are looking up for sure.
April 02, 2016
In that case, you DON’T want to know how sunny it is here! 😛 I love the idea of winter so much you won’t believe, we hardly get any here! Anyway I really hope the sun starts shining soon! Good luck with the Instagram project!