Picking up a real camera again after a long, long time is fairly daunting. It’s been a lifetime really – if you’re Orla, anyway. But when Samsung offered to send me a lovely white NX300 to play around with, I couldn’t refuse! Especially as I swore to say ‘yes’ to every opportunity in 2014.
Here’s the first few out of the camera, as I find my way.

baby blanket c/o boy + girl

Did I mention it’s been a while..?
Confession: I really miss the square format. I think I’m permanently converted – rectangles seem totally arbitrary and a bit unnecessary now! I’m ridiculous…

In lots of other ways though, this camera is the perfect choice to lure me back from smartphone photography. It even shares via wifi!
What do you use to take your photographs? Do you zQ[§Z0-[2W323EEW2 (that bit was from Orla, but it’s a good question! ;))
All photos, above, have been shot with the Samsung NX3000, which has been provided by Samsung Electronics. Co., Ltd.
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Leave a Comment
October 14, 2014
Oh! Thanks Erika! *smiles*
October 11, 2014
The learning is definitely part of the fun. I do still love the smartphone for being a level playing field though – its not about who’s studied the most technique, but just about how people see the world x
October 09, 2014
Gorgeous photos, I really want a proper camera. Will need to learn how to use it though!
Erika Salmon
October 06, 2014
Wow, so beautiful! So poetic! <3
September 30, 2014
Wow! Yes I really need to dust it off soon…x
September 27, 2014
Oh! I wish this was true, but I don’t think I queued for the ladies at all, all weekend! I spent rather a lot of time in the… *ahem*… undergrowth…
September 27, 2014
Youre too kind to us both, Jo 😉 But we’ll take it this time x
September 27, 2014
Right? Wires suck. I want my whole life to be wireless. Can I get a wireless charger for my brain yet? x
September 27, 2014
Ahhh workshop. Those photos had me drooling! I had the same thought – suspect this camera might have it but no no, we must resist! I actually always shoot in full format on my phone, but delight in cropping the edges away! x
September 27, 2014
Thanks Emma! I get what you mean, & that’ll motivate me to keep posting them, so i appreciate it! 🙂 xx
September 25, 2014
Just felt I needed to add to my last comment – saying that though, I actually quite like the different sizes in blog posts, it’s what differentiates them from Instagram photos, which is actually quite nice xx
September 25, 2014
You’re not ridiculous, when I photographed Workshop recently, using my proper camera for the first time in ages, I actually tried to look at the settings to see if I could make the frames square, now that is ridiculous
September 25, 2014
fantastic!!! Especially love the last mirror shot! Such a beautiful angle!! I can’t wait to see more! I’m very curious about the Wifi set up!! Man that would make it a lot easier… buy buy wires!!!!
September 25, 2014
Beautiful photos! Clearly you’ve got a natural talent for photography, though I don’t believe that Orla has got any pores at all – just perfect doll-skin. <3
Cerys {mascara and mud}
September 25, 2014
I’ve got a funny feeling we may have done…for a couple of minutes, queuing for the Ladies?! I’ve since thought it may have been you.
September 25, 2014
Oh hurray!
I am a big defender of iphone/art phone photography because I think it’s sort of a return to basics, & immensely practical. But the quality of images just doesn’t compare – I can count the pores on Orla’s face in the full resolution version of the above shot!
September 25, 2014
Thanks! & ha! Photo twins! But why didn’t we hang out?? 🙁 x
September 25, 2014
Ooh I love these pictures! Since getting my iPhone a while ago I have neglected my lovely Olympus PEN! I need to pick it up again really…this has inspired me to do so!
Cerys {mascara and mud}
September 25, 2014
You work that camera well…and I’ve got a similar photo to your boat one from the Good Life Experience too!