Let her learn from my mistakes, please.
Part one here.
- Be you. The world will adjust.
- Say no to the things you don’t want to do – you don’t need an excuse.
- Eat junk food while your metabolism is good.
- School is great, but educate yourself on the things they leave out, too; money, things that grow, gender issues, life hacks, health, and how to make dinner out of one bendy carrot and some old pasta.
- Don’t believe everything you think.
- “If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection.”
- Life is too short to worry about matching socks.
- Less is more. This is generally true of all things, but especially words and possessions.
- If it doesn’t matter, let it go.
- Tell the truth. Honesty is the highest art.
- Find the people who love like you do.
- Don’t compare yourself to strangers on the internet.
- Drink more water.
- Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
- If a feature of a woman’s appearance doesn’t have a male counterpart, it probably isn’t a real thing. See, saddlebags, VPL, thigh gap, cankles.
- Babies have cellulite. It isn’t unhealthy or shameful or something to fix – it’s normal human functioning.
- Set really good passwords, with non-dictionary words.
- Kittens are less trouble than puppies.
- Sometimes the hardest battles are between what you think and what you feel.
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Leave a Comment
December 11, 2014
Congrats, Stephanie! It *is* terrifying – it doesn’t get mentioned much, does it? I spent a lot of my pregnancy scared stiff, and it’s only really now that I feel like I’m getting past that!
Glad this gave you a moment of feeling more confident. You’ll do great, mama x
Stephanie from E&B
December 11, 2014
I recently found out that I’m expecting, and it’s pretty terrifying given how much responsibility it is and that I’m working to get a new business off the ground. Thanks so much Sara, for these nuggets of wisdom, I’m sure they will come in handy whether I end up with a daughter or a son 🙂
December 07, 2014
Thanks so much, Neelke!
December 07, 2014
Aah this is just to cute, really beautiful.
November 18, 2014
thanks Fanny! x
November 17, 2014
So true!!
November 15, 2014
You’re too sweet! <3 thanks love!
November 11, 2014
<3 these always move me and make me chuckle! you dear, are a treat! Xx
November 08, 2014
Thanks Emma, Hindsight is my speciality 😉 xx
November 08, 2014
You are so good at these xx
November 08, 2014
Thanks Jo! X
November 08, 2014
Really really love this. <3 xxx
November 08, 2014
You don’t need to steal mine – I’m sure you have plenty of your own. Like, ‘don’t date people who don’t share your love of brushing your teeth’… 😀 x
November 08, 2014
Thanks Megan! 🙂 x
November 08, 2014
Thank you Samantha. It’s easy to be wise with hindsight, of course! 🙂 x
November 08, 2014
I am stealing your notes and will be passing on your wisdom to little E 🙂
Megan B
November 08, 2014
I absolutely love this!!
November 08, 2014