Remember the travelling good life dress by Nadinoo? It’s been busy adventuring…
The above women are not only excellent dress-snappers, but some of my very favourite people on the internet, so do click over for a look if you don’t know them already.
Also, a little PSA: Good Life Pinafore is now in the sale!! *sounds claxon* Buy buy buy!
I missed wearing this pinafore so much that Nadia whipped me up my own very own in a soft grey linen.
You can catch a glimpse below in a vlog I made in October than decided was not good enough to share. Looks perfectly OK to me now! I tend to think of my creativity as slowly but surely dwindling, so I’m always much more likely to trust things I wrote or made several months ago, as ‘that was before I lost it!‘. Welcome to my neurotic mind, ladies and gents. Enjoy.
or click here if you’re having problems.
Follow the travels at #thegoodlifedresstravels on Instagram. No yaya sisterhoods, I swear. x
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Belinda Love Lee
February 22, 2016
Oh I’ve lovely having the pinafore myself, love this gorgeous round up! And your v-log is so adorable! B.
Gail Graham
February 21, 2016
Lovely vlog. Orla is super cute and I loved the library (?) shots, it had a look of Barter Books which is in Alnwick station, the one before Berwick, I think. And don’t doubt your creativity. If you like it, there’s a good chance someone else will too… Do not be like me, 30 years later I’m still unable to shake the doubt! G x
Julia Smith
February 21, 2016
you should be biased but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong, her smile is beautiful, it lights up her face x
Sara Tasker
February 20, 2016
Thank you. Oh dear, not another dwindler? What shall become of us? Why didn’t we create all of the creative stuff while we were still young and creative?! 😉 x
Sara Tasker
February 20, 2016
thank you Julia! I agree re: Orla’s smile, but perhaps I’m a tiny bit biased? xox
Sara Tasker
February 20, 2016
Ah, you really watched it to the end! 🙂 this makes me happy. Thanks lovely Jules x
Julia Smith
February 20, 2016
Lovely vlog, Orla’s smile is gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing more of the dresses travels.
February 20, 2016
What a gorgeous vlog. (And I know what you mean about believing your creativity is dwindling!) x
Julia Williams
February 20, 2016
Orla’s smile in the face paints, the mug shadow and the steam – just perfect! Another lovely vlog lady xx