When did you know you were truly a grown up?
For women they say the answer is often linked to the first time you were verbally harassed by a man in the street. In that case, I knew I was getting close when a red-faced man followed me home from school in my knee socks and mini skirt, breathing heavily. And when a similarly crimson man came into the shoe shop where I worked Saturdays and sweatily asked me to model boots for his gaze. On each occasion though, if I’m honest, I only felt like the very vulnerable child I really was.
Perhaps it was that time a mother first told their child to ‘look out for that lady‘ when rushing by on a bus – referring, of course, to a proud, if incredulous me. I really knew adulting wasn’t going to be for me when I first had to deal with that putrid liquid that forms in the bottom of the bin by myself.
Some people put adulthood as commencing the day they became a parent, first feeling that burden of guilt and responsibility settling down on their shoulders. I’m not convinced – not least because there’s a tiny part of me that suspects I’m really building Orla’s Sylvanian Family collection up all for myself, & I’ve known one to many a man-child who spends more time on the x-box than his kids do.

There is one milestone that is undeniable, though: you are truly, most definitely an adult when you decide to buy proper, non-Ikea furniture and expensive duvet covers & lamps.
I’m not slating Ikea, btw: I freaking love their PS collections, and on rainy grey days their everbright, meatball-scented interior is my escape-route to happiness. But there are certain things – wood-laminate wardrobes, those awful fold-out potato-sack futon beds – that we buy from necessity, and not from delight. Few of us dream about a LACK table when growing up, furnishing the Pinterest board of our future forever home.
Buying grown-up furniture represents reaching a certain point in life: it means you’ve got some disposable income and feel settled enough in your space to invest in things that will stay with you long term. It means you’ve established a sense of your own taste, and have worked out the errant red-MDF-bookshelf kinks of your self expression (Rory.) In short, it means you’re incredibly privileged – but it’s also arguably a better model than the disposable, replaceable consumerist route. I like the idea of choosing things that will stay with us, in our family, for forever. For life, I suppose.

Since moving last year, R & I have gradually shed the skin of our younger selves and replaced all of our student-age furniture with things that are a little more ‘us’. It’s a nice feeling, to know that we made this home together, & it represents our time together & our combined tastes – by which, I mean of course, that R has basically conceded to my greater wisdom ;).
He’s picked out the Roxie chair from this post’s sponsor, Olive & The Fox as the next big purchase on our wish list, & I couldn’t be more proud. It’s like the lovechild of our individual aesthetics – my quiet simplicity, his love for a subtle 60’s reference. It’s a chair for bedtime story cuddles, for kitten naps and late night wine-soaked conversations. It’s a chair that we can’t really afford, and, as usual, will end up costing us far more than I make from these sponsorships and giveaways on the blog. [Note to self: stop working with lovely shops. My next giveaway needs to be with a fishmongers just to keep me away from temptation. ?]
Aaaanyway, you, lucky thing, can win a £100 voucher towards your favourite Olive and The Fox product. I’ve put together a few of my fave picks below just in case you want to spend it on me to give you some suggestions. Head over to their site to check out their full, beautiful range, and start planning your grown-up interiors too.
Enter below. Open worldwide – closes in one week, winner selected at random.

olive branch // lady’s mantle // Roxie chair // Bailey stool // concrete pendant lamp // Elmo desk lamp
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have you bought any grown up items for your interior? When was the first time you realised you were truly an adult?
Ps – the winner to the Alfie’s Studio giveaway is finally up – sorry that took me so long! If you weren’t the lucky one, you can still grab 10% off by signing up to the Alfie’s Studio newsletter, here.
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Leave a Comment
December 12, 2015
Has a winner been chosen?
November 28, 2015
PS. Just noticed that the competition runs out in 8 years!
Martina Evans
November 27, 2015
I just purchased a rustic chic stag head for my living room, and I love it! I realised that I was truly an adult when I had to start paying for my dental care!
Kelly Hemmings
November 27, 2015
First time I realised I was a adult is when I signed for my 1st mortgage ?!!. Beautiful original simple items.
Margaret Gallagher
November 26, 2015
Beautiful crafted delights I’d love in my home
November 26, 2015
Just had a nosey on their website, there are so many things I’d love to own!
First time I realised I had grown up was when I bought my own bed & bedroom furniture ?
November 25, 2015
mmm yes just been on the their website – what delights…
think cleaning the oven was the moment when I knew I was grown up but when I started hoovering it to make life easier I wasn’t too sure 🙂
Jesse Lili
November 23, 2015
Lovely furniture and homewares! Thank you for the introduction Sara x
November 21, 2015
I’m still not a grown up as we’ve never purchased our own sofa… always hand me downs.
The liquid in the bin reference made me laugh as I totally know what you mean!
November 21, 2015
I used to work in a shoe shop and got some weird propositions off men. Do you think that sort of guy just gets attracted to shoe shops? D:
Jenna michelle Pink
November 21, 2015
Yes! We are at a similar stage ourselves. We are just about to buy our first home and we’re in the process of thinking about which stuff we really need and which stuff we want to replace with something nice. Were talking about kitchen sinks, bathroom tiles and hardwood floors. I definitely feel adult right now. I mean I would have never have thought 2 grand on flooring was worth it… but I’m thinking differently know we are getting our own home 🙂