my work from home essentials

I like to work from the kitchen table.
Sure, we actually have two desks in our house, with dedicated shelving space too, but that doesn’t work for me. I mean, one is basically just a home for the mountain of stuff I really need to sort out, and the other is in the coldest part of the house. The kitchen has great light, sourdough toast, a kettle to hand and the warmth of the AGA. So, kitchen table it is.

Because of this, I need a work set up that is neat & compact, easy to tidy away in a rush – when it’s time to eat pasta together, or when Orla suddenly decides to make glittery pictures.
It needs to be portable, too, for the days when I work from a train/cafe/layby on the moors or – lets be honest here – my bed, in pyjamas, because I can.
And finally – but no less importantly – it has to be beautiful. I’m a visual person, in a visual job; having a desk set up that inspires and motivates me helps keeps me in a positive and happy mood. Anything that keeps me productive and wanting to be at my desk is a worthwhile investment, as far as I’m concerned – and if it’s tax deductible, so much the better ?.

So here is my ‘office in a pile’, as I tend to think of it. I’m writing from this exact set up, right now.

working from home

my work from home essentials

Macbook. I don’t need to explain this, do I? Please don’t ask me about the technical specification – it’s not the new one that doesn’t have USB slots, & that’s all I know. Given the unreliability of AirDrop, I’m still suspicious of wireless technology. 

Leather macbook case. Pretty, water resistant, hard-wearing and my favourite shade of nudey-pink. It’s just getting lovelier and lovelier with use, and will outlast every laptop I ever own, I suspect.

Get to work book. I’ve mentioned this before – this is my second year using this planner and I find it a great help in structuring my time & thoughts. I love the project breakdown pages and the generous space for daily to-dos. The monthly focus and review questions really help me narrow my thoughts and stay on path, too. 

Leather pencil wrap. Filled with whatever I haven’t lost to Orla that week, but always a heap of HB pencils, some Staedtler Handrwititng pens in black and some Paperways sticky notes.

Vool laptop stand. Working from a laptop is a killer for your back. After a ton of research I chose this stand for its ECO credentials, it’s super sassy design and the fact that I can store all my shiz inside it when I’m not at my desk. Genius, right? It’s also great for working on my lap on the sofa or in bed.

BU water bottle. Whenever I’m working I try to hydrate – it’s partly a POTS thing but also really just a great way to stay clear headed and well. This bottle by new startup BU uses a stick of charcoaled bamboo as a purifying filter, and it REALLY ACTUALLY makes tap water taste nice! I start every day eyeing it dubiously and then take a sip and realise, ‘hey, this is delicious and exactly what my body wants!’ I try and drink a full two bottles while Orla is at school, because life is a game and I like to make up rules ;).

Oree bluetooth keyboard & case. Essential for working from the laptop stand unless you want your arms but to snap off or something, I originally bought this keyboard to use with my iPad before it was stolen by Orla.  Since switching to the Vool-and-macbook combo it’s got more use than ever, and I’m now eyeing up the matching track pad they make because honestly, it’s so pretty, and maybe I need it a lot.

work from home

Do you work from home? What makes up your portable – or permanent – office space?

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  • La finistrella

  • April 09, 2017

I love your at home creative space! Especially your big planner. There’s something special about writing things down. I write an Italian lifestyle blog (I’m based in north Italy) and having a cluttered, inspirational space squals a clear mind! I’ve just come across your blog so nice to ‘meet’ you. If you are a fan of Italy pop to (Finestrella meaning ‘little window’.)

Will be back here for sure.

  • saspetherick

  • February 14, 2017

I don’t believe in wireless either. Airdrop schmaredrop. I just swapped out my wireless printer because it NEVER LOVED ME. And our IT department has just got proper plug-in connected by wire boosters for the wifi. Everything is visibly connected and I feel calm.

  • Belinda Norrington

  • February 12, 2017

I get awful pain in my shoulder and neck, I think a lot from posture at my keyboard and jewellery bench – this might help a lot, thanks so much for sharing! x

  • Melissa Allam

  • February 11, 2017

Absolutely Beautiful! Especially that laptop stand.

  • Sara Tasker

  • February 11, 2017

You both need it. Also, I now feel like the love it is rightfully deserving on my social media justifies the price ? xx

  • Sara Tasker

  • February 11, 2017

Yes! Once ours stopped working for a few days and we still found ourselves gathered around it, even though it was cold and sad! Apologies in advance for my expensive taste in laptop stands. Nothing else was even nearly as lovely, though! xx

  • Pip

  • February 11, 2017

Such a beautiful laptop stand! I am going to head over there and take a look now – I’m looking for something just like that for our new house!
I grew up with an AGA at home and it is just the best, funny how it always acts as a magnet to hang out around, so so comforting and cosy.

  • JeskaHearne

  • February 10, 2017

Yes, mine too! It’s beautiful!!

  • Äiti

  • February 10, 2017

I work in the kitchen too, usually because I’m also cooking and doing wee bits of cleaning at the same time. It’s also near the kettle and the chocolate. I have a SAD lamp I use in winter, but it isn’t really portable. I have my laptop, my journals, phone which has my calendar and my fave pens which all go in my bag if I go out. I also have a wall calendar for the family to ignore nearby.

  • Corina Nika

  • February 10, 2017

Your laptop stand blew my mind – my husband and i are looking at it as it’s the first one we’ve ever seen. Your desk looks so warm and inviting just like everything else around you 🙂

  • Day Dreaming Foodie

  • February 10, 2017

I am much the same as you. I have a wonderful desk space, surrounded by my plants, and books, and all of my other favourite things… But the table we dine from is the place I most often find myself at with my loyal Macbook… What a surprise! I have been eyeing up something to make it easier to move and tidy away – and your little desk friend is calling out to me <3

  • Paula Solar

  • February 10, 2017

I’ve had a book blog (it’s Spanish, otherwise I’d share the link) for about seven years or so and although I don’t get paid or sponsored because this is Spain (ugh), it’s work. I’m trying to save money to buy myself a mac (I mean, I have it, but it’s in a fund, for the future) so in the meantime I’m working on an old HP laptop. I don’t always plan my entries but when I do I write all of my thoughts and impressions in a moleskine and (finally!) I got myself a planner, and I schedule my entries. and the days I work on the blog so they don’t interfere with my homework. For taking notes and drafting I use muji pens and a fountain pen. And lately I got myself one of these trays with legs so I can work from the bed when I have pain on my back (also an electric blanket to ease the pain). The best thing about working from the bed is that I have the window in front of me so I can see the bay and the mountains covered in snow. They’re so beautiful and inspiring… also, seagulls “dancing” in the sky.

I’m the messiest person in the world I know. But it works for the time being… that’s what counts, right?

Happy weekend, I hope it’s full of joy and inspiration. xxx

ps. I’m the weird one who sits all alone in cafés and reads and takes notes. I’m the weird one who always goes to cafés which don’t have tv, as a rule.

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