If you’d just flat out said ‘savoury danishes’ to me before I’d encountered them, I’d probably have made a face; I like my food neatly categorised into sweet / savoury, thank you very much, and that sounds confusing and all kinds of wrong.
Fortunately, I saw them before I heard the name – saw them and smelled them, hot from the oven at The Handmade Bakery in Slaithwaite, Yorkshire. It was love at first sniff – these savoury danishes with cheese, wilted rocket and sweet red onion are basically coiled, baked heaven.
I’ve been playing around at recreating them at home ever since. I’ve got the filling nailed, but confess my bread doesn’t quite match up to the original just yet; they are a specialist hand-baking co-operative, in my defence, & probably aren’t relying on the 45 minute ‘pizza dough’ cycle on their bread machine while their toddler experiments with fingerpaint body art.

Still, my version are pretty awesome, regardless – a ready made lunch, perfect picnic food, and just plain joyful on a drizzly, windy weekend such as this. I hope you’ll find time to have a go, and let me know if you make any improvements!

Questions? Suggestions? Leave em below 🙂
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Lindsay Eryn
May 14, 2016
Rocket?!?! I’ve never heard of rocket before!
Okay, a quick google search tells me we call it arugula over here, and now this danish makes much more sense (and sounds delicious)!
Reading all of your bread recipe posts has been inspiring! I recently watched the Netflix series “Cooked,” which has one episode devoted to air and bread and how fermented wheat is incredibly nutritious. From-scratch sourdough is on my Big Girl To Do list, and I’ve got that recipe you recommended on your blog on a note!
November 23, 2015
Hi! 2 hours on eBay later, and I have a table being delivered on Wednesday! Thank you so many times! Re the Danishes – if it’s any form of warm carbohydrate with cheese and butter, Steffen will literally inhale them whilst likely declaring them the best thing he’s eaten all year. xx
Sara Tasker
November 23, 2015
Hi Holly! I can’t guarantee they’re authentically Danish, but they are definitely delicious! The table was an eBay find – it’s just a folding trestle table that had been used for demos and was a bit battered and worn. You should be able to find one without too much hunting – we planned to get another to put side by side to make it wider for bigger gatherings but have never got around to it!
S x
November 23, 2015
These look amazing! I’m going to have to make them for my Danish husband 🙂 I was also wondering where you got your table? We are looking to buy a similar one, or have one made but it’s so expensive! And we’re getting a little close to Christmas to not have a table ha! xxx
November 21, 2015
These are indeed quite different from the cinnamon buns I am used too :-))) I’ll give them a try, all the ingredients speak a soft language to me, that of greediness and comfort food. Thanks for sharing the recipe, Sara. I’ll let you know once I bake them. Enjoy the day!
November 12, 2015
Don’t tell everybody where they can get them, there will never be any for me at the end of my walks!
Trying this first opportunity that I get (by hand so not sure how that’s going to go), tho suspect if I ever manage to master it, that’ll be the end of anything that vaguely resembles a waistline, at least when I get them in Slaithwaite it’s at the end of a walk that’s pre-empted the calories…
November 11, 2015
Hi Sheona- do you have a stand mixer? I have found mine ( a Kitchenaid with a dough hook) makes dough just as well as the bread maker, and with less fuss.
These do look yummy and great for lunch boxes, as long as the recipient knows it’s not a sweet bun. Nothing worse than biting into something thinking it is sweet when it is savoury.
November 11, 2015
My bread machine just has one cycle ‘make bread’. Any ideas of how I might recreate this recipe?! x
Esther Zimmer
November 11, 2015
These do indeed sound (and look) gorgeous! Plus what beautiful photographs – if my iPhone pics were half as good as yours, I’d be thrilled. I love visiting your blog, such lovely writing and visuals. I always leave inspired. Thank you! x
Jane Willis
November 11, 2015
Oh wow, these sound gorgeous. Will be making them very soon. Bookmarked, Yummed and salivated over!