Goodbye 2013, with a quiet NYE; no champagne, no spangly dresses. Instead, the lights from the tree, a glass of something stronger, a sleeping infant in the darkness upstairs.

2014 will be better. We promised ourselves this last year, too, but now, a year wiser, I see that we did nothing to make that come true. This time we will work at it. Everything that was hidden has been turned to the light & a fresh start awaits us all. 2014 is our year.
A few resolutions;
- To simplify & live with less (I make this one every year; it’s an ongoing process! I’m eyeing Rory’s cluttered red bookcase with greedy eyes)
- To learn a new skill – I’m thinking photoshop? Calligraphy?
- Mindfulness. To learn it & then to live it.

A happy new year to you & yours. Have you made any resolutions?
Here’s to choosing joy in twenty-fourteen x
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January 12, 2014
Mocking Pasta Night is like kicking Bambi in the teeth. But that sounds like a brill book, I’m totally writing it x Man my hair will be SO shiny!x
January 12, 2014
You’re typing, I’m not convinced that counts.
Maybe you could write a book about a girl who tries to only eat soup but is a bit weird about most vegetables & also tuna so ends up eating pasta with Lloyd Grossman sauce instead.
January 12, 2014
Umm, hellooo? I’m 3/4 soup all thanks to 2013! That time I refused was a blip/leek&potato. And anyways, look at me writing this comment! I’m like totes a writerer.
January 12, 2014
Did you eat any soup at all in 2013? I seem to remember offering you some & you refused. I’ll offer you a pen next time I see you & I bet you won’t write.
The new diary is aces, it’s true. Can’t wait to put my surfing lessons in it. X
January 08, 2014
Simplifying is the best idea! Ridding yourself of life’s clutter is the only way to start a new year.
As last years ‘only eat soup’ resolution went so well, I have decided to cut myself some slack this year and make my resolution ‘to write’.
Really love your new blog & especially like your diary. Whoever bought that has excellent taste x