1/ This week I had a little bit of rare time to myself! I spent it drinking coffee in my favourite afternoon light.
2/ I’m going to try selling some prints of my photographs on etsy, and I need your help deciding what to offer. I’d love you to a look through my instagram feed and tag any photo you think would make a good print with meandorlaprint. To say thank you for your help, I’ll pick one tag-commenter to win a set of 8 prints of their choice.
If you have any other suggestions on price, products or platforms, I’d gratefully hear your thoughts in the comments!
3/ Celebrating the first day of spring by making this little wreath.
4/ This cardboard playhouse, a second birthday present for Orla, is the best toy in our house right now. House, shop, bedroom, storage area, giant canvas… it’s everything in one! More on my obsession with cardboard toys here.
5/ Boden kindly sent me my fave spring accessory in the form of these sassy pink pumps, which I am naturally wearing none stop until December. You can see other instagrammers fave picks over on the Boden blog.
6/ We’ve spent a lot of time this month looking for ‘Daddy Rabbit’, despite none of us knowing who Daddy Rabbit is. We shout for him out of the window, and occasionally Orla sees him – ‘he’s coming!’ or, ‘he’s in that car!’. We look for him under the sofa and behind cupboard doors. When it rains, she tells me ‘Daddy rabbit wet’. He’s definitely linked to her current obsession with the (awful) Peter Rabbit cartoons, but as Peter Rabbit’s father is long dead when that story begins, this doesn’t entirely clear things up.
a few other things:
- I had a blog coaching session with JennyPurr and it really helped me clear my head & set some goals for this space. It was like therapy for all my blog woes! She shares her fantastic wisdom over on her blog – go take a look & get inspired. Look out for improved content & a new look her very soon! 🙂
- Star instagrammer & all around inspiration Danielle aka hippieindisguise interviewed me for her inspiring mamas feature on her blog. You can read my answers, and her beautiful words, here.
- Darling Magazine have used some of my images to illustrate their online articles, including here, here and here.
- I’ve finally opened my twitter up from private, and I’d love to follow you. Find me here.
Hope you’re all having a brilliant week!
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Leave a Comment
April 15, 2015
All your photos are great. Great success in you plans. I would love to collect tons of pictures like yours for my travel scrapbook! Good luck on Etsy, I miss using it, can’t buy anything from Vietnam 🙁
Sara Tasker
March 26, 2015
Oh thanks dear Nicki! I do so hope you’re right xxx
Sara Tasker
March 26, 2015
thank you! Yes, me too 🙂 x
Sara Tasker
March 26, 2015
Thanks Rebecca! This is brilliantly helpful xx
March 23, 2015
Wow, Sara, what a fantastic week!! So exciting and looking forward to seeing your dreams becoming realities. I totally know they will! Hope you are feeling better x
The Daydreamer
March 22, 2015
Lovely to see you on Twitter (and thanks for following my dreams!) and looking forward to our exchanges
March 22, 2015
Congratulations on the wonderful things!
I’m not on instagram alas, so can’t tag, but some of my favourites are: 15th March Reservoir, 14th March Orla Window, 23rd Jan Flower, 19th Jan Tea, 17th Jan Orla Tent, 8th Jan Gypsy, 14th Jan Butterfly, 13th Nov Mist, 12 Nov Dew, 29th Oct Suitcase.
March 22, 2015
Yes please! You have to call him ‘daddy bibbet’ though, just FYI x
March 22, 2015
You need a lot of optimism to believe you can make any money selling things on etsy 😉 x
March 22, 2015
Thanks Lydia! What’s your twitter name? x
March 22, 2015
I love the optimism in this post x
March 22, 2015
Ally and I want to look for Daddy Rabbit with Orla! Hope we can see you soon x
March 22, 2015
I love all of your Instagram photos! I can’t pick just a few to tag. I’ll definitely be following you on Twitter! x