A post I’ve been meaning to write for an age – a few of the blogs out there that I adore, and turn to when I need to feed my mind and eyes.
My first draft of this post contained a lot of links to friends of mine who I admire online, but then I realised you probably already know all of them too. So here are a few you might not (though I should say, I’m really so out of the loop on what’s cool & popular, so perhaps I’m telling you nothing new at all).
I keep track of all my favourite blogs on bloglovin’, mainly via the iPhone/iPad app. I find if I don’t bookmark something immediately I might never find my way back, and bloglovin’ means I can save favourite blogs & posts to dig back through later on.
As my own blog has gradually become a bigger part of my life, it’s made sense to stick with a platform that’s made with bloggers in mind – it emails my new posts to readers for me, & forms a simple blogroll for me by sharing exactly what I’m reading at any given time.
You can set it to send email notifications when your favourite blogs post, but I prefer to just log in to the app or site to catch up whenever you have time – usually on a Sunday morning, with a cup of coffee in bed.
Here’s (some of) what I’m generally reading…

Nische is the photographer I dearly wish I was, but sadly will probably never be. Whenever I run out of inspiration, or think I’ve taken all the photos I have to take, I go and look through Nische’s archive and realise I haven’t even begun.

Sincerely, Kinsey. I actually hate this chick. Why does she get to be gorgeous, an amazing photographer, a great writer and get to live an awesome life? Does that sound fair to you?
Oh who am I kidding, I love her, and I want to be best friends.

Hula Seventy provides yet more photo inspo/envy, alongside a creative & inspired outlook on life. Andrea’s polaroids have me regularly hitting eBay in search of an old camera for myself, until my brain catches up and reminds me I would produce nothing remotely comparable. Sigh!

Food Bandits, not just for the recipes and the thoughtful captions, but their wonderful ‘morning rituals’ project (total lifestyle porn), and their wonderful little snippets of Netherland life. They have a beautiful Instagram to match, btw.

Rosie Hardy’s flickr stream – because it doesn’t have to be an actual blog for you to be able to subscribe! I love Rosie’s fairytale photoshops, which she sometimes uploads to her flickr account. I rarely swing by flickr, so subscribing here lets me know when I can see her latest work.

Searching for tomorrow gives me true blog envy; if I could steal somebody’s online life, it would be Kitty’s. Go check out her deer photoshoot and weep – I swear she’s a Disney princess or similar.

Lily Schlosser – Lily pretty much has my dream wardrobe nailed – all simple, modern and minimal, with just the right amount of drape, and she makes it look effortless. I like that she’s real and doesn’t only post the flattering photos, or make everything look like a magazine spread. It makes me think I might get away with wearing it all too!

Me & Orla is by this supercool girl called Sara,who has excellent taste in teacups and books and white things. She has this beautiful view of Yorkshire & a whole heap of Instagram secrets… She’s a must-follow, I swear 😉
What blogs are you reading right now – any recent discoveries you’d care to share?
& Are we friends on bloglovin’ yet?
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Leave a Comment
September 26, 2015
Love it Sara ^_^ Always love new blog suggestions. Definitely agree with that last one too. 😉
September 25, 2015
thank you so much for including me on this lovely list! completely honored (and now I have beautiful new blogs to add to my bloglovin list, including yours)…! xoxo
September 25, 2015
I’ve just discovered your blog via bloglovin add (or something like that) and I instantly fell in love with it, it’s such a breath of fresh air in the blogsphere and now I have all of these recommendations to check out – my work day is officially over 😀
Have a great weekend! 🙂
Sarah, Les Jolis Mondes
September 25, 2015
I just discovered your blog and I love it! Now I have so many other blogs to have a look at, thanks for sharing 🙂
September 23, 2015
Oh, new blogs! Exciting! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Juliette @ the evening glow
September 23, 2015
You’re my friend on bloglovin’, but I don’t think you’re mine, haha 😉 Lovely blogs, I knew just a few of them, I love especially the photography inspiration. Thanks for that!
Lily Schlosser
September 23, 2015
Sara, you are so kind to include me in this roundup! It really came at a nice time since I was feeling a bit discouraged yesterday. Thanks for the kindness!