- Read! It doesn’t matter what – it will make your thoughts clearer, your mood lighter & your spelling better.
- Everyone thinks they are a good driver. Most of the time they are wrong.
- Perfection is not sustainable. Aim instead for ‘good enough’.
- Avoid black & white thinking at all costs.
- If in doubt, paint it white.
- Just because it’s written in a newspaper, doesn’t make it true.
- Media- & porn-style sex is rarely sexy or fun. Do not let the money-makers dictate your sexuality.
- Never let anyone with bad eyebrows tell you what to do.
- Face your fears & your hardest feelings head on. You can only delay them for so long, & they get bigger while you ignore them.
- Don’t obsess over other people’s opinions.
- You are not your body. You have a body.
- Stay creative. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t very good at it, just keep creating.
- Paris is always a good idea.
- Curiosity can quash sadness or fear.
- Try to keep in mind what the animal in you would do; listen to your instincts when it comes to food, parenting, relationships, sleep.
- Plant things and watch them grow. It helps with patience.
- Learn when to say, ‘that’s your shit’.
- Spoil the people you love whenever you think to. Tell them why you love them.
- Don’t quit your day dream.
- Remember that 99.9% of negativity, bitchiness, rudeness and criticism comes from people’s own insecurity and unhappiness. The more awesome you are, the more you will attract this.
- Always strive to live with less. The most important things aren’t things at all.
More to come, when it occurs to me…
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Leave a Comment
November 08, 2014
Thank you Rachel!
November 08, 2014
Highest compliment imaginable! Thanks Toni x
November 08, 2014
Oh, for sure. I meant those suspicioso rainbow eyebrows, but it caused this very confusion so I’ve reassessed! 🙂 x
November 08, 2014
Thanks Louise 🙂 x
April 13, 2014
I love how you crossed out ‘Never let anyone with bad eyebrows tell you what to do.’ I actually like to think they are just keeping it au natural, and it’s the ‘perfect’ eyebrows that I should mistrust. That said, beautiful writing and sound advice.
April 02, 2014
This list is beyond great!! I want to give it to every female I know.
Rachel del Grosso
February 18, 2014
This is so great, I love it!
February 16, 2014
I love your outlook and positivity
February 16, 2014
Haha, yeah me too! Why is it so much easier to give advice than take it? x
February 16, 2014
Thank you, dear! 🙂 xxx
February 16, 2014
We are like, SO intuitive.
Plus I definitely remember from a primary school assembly that women have more body fat and survive longer in cold waters. We are basically becoming mermaids *nods*
February 15, 2014
“Don’t quit your day dream”! Oh, so many lovely things to live by on this list 🙂
February 15, 2014
this is wonderful…i think i need to print it and stick it on every surface in my house 🙂
February 15, 2014
Indeed. *nods* Also, perhaps it knows there’s more flooding on the way and wants me to float. *trades dingy for vat of lard*
February 15, 2014
Ha! Well, perhaps the animal in you knows of an impending food shortage & is being very wise? I like to think so. *has third slice of birthday cake*
February 15, 2014
My food instincts are hastening me into hyper obesity. *dons armour & battles them*