This morning brought the news that like Facebook and Twitter before them, Instagram are going to start organising user’s home feeds using algorithms instead of their current chronological display. Naturally, there’s a lot of concern and confusion, so below are some initial thoughts, and answers to some of the questions I’m hearing asked.
What does this actually mean?
Instagram will be rearranging the order that posts from accounts you follow appear in your newsfeed, based on your regular habits and interactions. So far they’re saying that all posts will still be in your feed, just organised differently.
This won’t affect how your individual grid is displayed when people visit your profile page – just when (and perhaps if) your followers get shown your images on their home feed.
The specifics of the algorithm are so far unknown, but it won’t be as simple as just highlighting the most popular posts first. It’s likely to be an individualised thing based on which images you frequently engage with, which accounts you spend the most time on and how posts are performing relative to their creator’s usual statistics (‘interestingness’).
Why are they doing this?
The official explanation is to improve user experience – IG state that “people miss on average 70 percent of their feeds” due to difference in posting habits and time zones. This is something we’ve known of a long time, and is why many users chose to optimise their shares or use apps like Latergramme to post at key times.
In actuality, it’s likely that this is a key step on their path to further monetising the platform by taking control of what people see and when. Realistically, people will still miss 70% of their newsfeed – it’s just that Instagram will now control what 30% they see. Once Instagram have full control of this, they can begin to introduce fee-based promotion for posts, similar to what we’ve seen with their (evil) sister company, Facebook. Instead of users coming to people working on creating a great Instagram & growth, they can pay directly to Instagram to promote their posts & whatever they’re selling.
So basically, the short answer here is $$$.
How does this affect me as a viewer?
As a casual user, it might be quite nice. If you’re logging in every few days this will benefit you by showing you the best content you’ve missed.
As a frequent user, it’s a little more murky. Many of us enjoy the chronological aspect to sharing: I like seeing everyone’s breakfast while I’m having mine; I love the surprise of nighttime in Japan when it’s sunny outside my window.
Depending on how monetisation is handled, there is a danger over time of a decline in quality of the stuff being shared. If businesses can simply pay to promote their images, the need to create beautiful engaging content falls away. We saw something similar with the introduction of Instagram ads: while initially they were high quality and visually-friendly, as the program has become more mainstream the majority have turned to cack.
How does this affect me as a poster?
Essentially you’ll have a lot less control over who sees your posts and when. Once people get familiar with how the algorithm works we might find various ways to use it more to our advantage – a little like optimising for SEO – but it’s unlikely to be as effective as current optimisation options.
If you currently rely on time-optimisation quite a lot to reach your audience, this might mean reduced engagement. On the other hand, if you’re someone who doesn’t optimise for time and posts great content, it’s possible you might see an increase in people interacting with your shares.
Can I opt out?
We don’t know yet. It’s likely that if an opt-out is available, the algorithm feed will still be the default. You might get to choose how your homefeed looks, but not how you appear to your followers.
If an opt-out isn’t available, you may still be able to use a third party app like Iconosquare to view a chronological timeline. It’s not entirely clear yet, as the news is so fresh and nothing has actually been implemented yet.
What can I do?
As a viewer:
- Put your favourite accounts on notification alerts – in the Instagram app, go to the user’s profile page, tap the three dots in the top right corner and select ‘Turn on Post Notifications‘.
- Review who you follow. The more accounts you follow, the more jumbled your newsfeed can be.
- Engage. Comment on your favourite posts; regularly like the content that appeals to you. Show the algorithm exactly what you like.
As a poster:
- Ask your followers to put you on notification for a chronological alert whenever you post.
- Post your best content. I’ve said this plenty before, but these changes will make it even more important to share beautiful, attention-grabbing, engaging images.
- Reply to your comments. Says me, I know – sometimes it’s an impossible task – but answering comments builds relationships, brings more attention to your feed, lets users when know you’re online, and boosts the level of attention the current algorithm pays to your post.
- Engage. Make sure you’re liking back with your loyal followers, leaving comments on other people’s posts and sharing the love.
- If you have a regular posting schedule, consider mentioning this in your bio – e.g. ‘new posts every morning before the school run!’ – so your followers know when to check in.
- Keep sticking to the tips I shared in The Instaretreat. Great content is your best weapon against any changes!
- Share your posts elsewhere. Admittedly, pretty much the only place left with chronological sharing as a default is now Snapchat, but sharing your posts with a link across your other social platforms increases the chance of your followers seeing it somewhere, at least.
If you don’t like it: Instagram are promising to take user feedback into account, so give it! You could try contacting the support team to share your opinions, though I’m always dubious that this will reach the right people’s desks. Be creative about sharing your dissent – write on your blog, rant on twitter, talk to your followers about it on your Instagram posts. I’m toying with a little hashtag project too – #chronologyfirst, perhaps? ?
There’s a petition doing the rounds too – unlikely to be as persuasive as advertising $, but worth a try all the same.!
is this the beginning of the end?
Of the world? No. Of Instagram? Prrrooobably not. It’s worth remembering that the team at Instagram love it almost as much as we do, and most of them are regular users and posters themselves. They’ve been really keen to learn from the mistakes made on Facebook and protect Instagram from the same fate – hence initiatives like #communityfirst to support all the creativity and love they know they have in this little app.
I have faith in the community – we’re strong, we’re creative and we’re motivated by our love of sharing and beautiful images above all else. If Instagram ceases to be the place to do that, no doubt something else will rise up for us to jump ship to. It’s early days, and there’s no point despairing until we see the true impact these changes will have. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!
Thoughts? More questions? Stuff I’ve missed? Leave me a comment below – I’ll keep updating this post as more info breaks and as things occur to me! x
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Leave a Comment
March 17, 2016
Hi @louarchell:disqus, Latergramme is so much more than just a scheduling tool! You can use the web app to preview your Instagram feed (great for curating your visuals) and much more. If you ever have any questions I’d be happy to help.
Stephanie | LTGR Community Manager
March 17, 2016
This is really something: once you have a beautiful app, user friendly and working just the way you want it, here it comes, the dreaded algorithm. No, I don’t like it. And anything following the Facebook way of life is not my cup of tea anyway – there, I said it 😉 Feel better now. Thank you for the detailed post, I am applying your advice and turning notifications on, among other things.
March 17, 2016
I just find it absurd (for so many reasons) but really mostly that it is supposed to be optimised to your interests, if I’m following someone, I’m interested and I want the full picture of all of it. People post in relation and response to other posts, feed back, converse and interact and I fear it’ll just be another case of social media that turns anti-social as all that get’s lost.
I don’t want my brain hi-jacked (telling me what I want to see surely is that). Also – surely Facebook is the place that you go to see pictures of your friends new puppy or whatever it was they made an example of? Don’t create a mongrel app Facebook / Instagram, focus on what is great about your individual platforms… Make Fb a social place to be again (perhaps with greater image integration), give IG users greater control about pinning posts to Pinterest or downloading an archive of your images, if you must monetise it then create what users could actually make use of – paid up filters and editing packages or analytics or if you must then paid ad’s on the blog. How can a company get it so wrong?
It all feels very silly and petty given the bigger problems of the world but as a solo-preneur it is a big part of my world. A place to connect to my tribe and such a wonderful community, no matter what your interests, pretty much there is a table for you to sit at and I feel like all that will start to go.
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Yeah, I hear you! In fairness, the twitter thing is still in its early phases of implementation – they all learned from FB to drip-feed us changes i think.
It’s a shame they can’t just let us pay for the app and then leave us in peace, isn’t it? 🙁
March 16, 2016
Well after everyone went crazy about Twitter I must admit I didn’t really notice any difference, so I’m going to hold out and see what happens with this. Realistically I’m far to addicted to Instagram to boycott it, but I wish they’d just leave it alone and give us viewers the chance to enjoy it!
Laura xx | Loved By Laura
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Thanks Susana! It’s nice to hear from someone who expects the impact to be positive for them. But yes, as you say – bought exposure is a slippery slope 🙁 x
March 16, 2016
Ha, if you feel old, I feel bloody ancient! Yeah I can’t get on board with Snapchat – that hideous logo… I can’t even…
March 16, 2016
I deactivated my Facebook account a long, long time ago now for many reasons, but also because I started to dislike the countless changes that actually didn’t make me feel comfortable as a user. When they attached themselves to IG, I questioned whether I wanted to sign up and knew it was only a matter of time before the “creeping change” I experienced with FB. I love IG, it’s such a different platform and the community means so much to me that I actually feel just plain sad that they have to muck it all up and cast a shadow of doubt over whether I stay or go… Time will tell. Thanks for another great post, I’d heard all about it, but interesting to read a loyal IG users view on the subject.
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
I’m so glad it was useful Sarirah! Yes, great point – we might be able to turn this into a new opportunity in new ways. Let’s hope! x
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Oh, brilliant! I’ll add that now, thank you!
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Thank you Medusa! I’m glad it was helpful. As you say, we need to just wait and see. It’s uncomfortable though, when we love it so much as is 🙁 x
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Thanks Alexandra! I hope it’s helpful… I think it helped me to just get it all out of my head! x
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Thanks Sarah. Yep, same 🙁 x
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Yep. This pretty much sums up 99% of their user’s feelings today. Why Instagram? WHY?
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Yes, same. Will investigate Ello. Seems like snapchat is the next thing, but I feel too old and the interface isn’t pretty… ? x
March 16, 2016
This is not great news – I dislike being told what I want to see on social media and on the internet in general, but it is happening all over the place. I might go and look into Ello again, I think it’s probably still safe there (for a while anyway).
March 16, 2016
I really don’t want them to change it. Instagram is my favourite platform and I feel like it won’t be after the change 🙁
Alexandra M
March 16, 2016
Great post, Sara. Thank you for taking the time to write all of this in hopes to ease minds and reduce future confusion with the IG change. You’re fabulous! 🙂
sarah-louise kimmer
March 16, 2016
So well written, Sara. I don’t want it to happen 🙁
Medusa Dollmaker
March 16, 2016
This article is gold. Not sure if I would like that algorythm. I’m a bit escolded of the FB algorythm, so in spite I’m not against IG sponsored posts, I usually don’t like missing post from people I like. Neither to let others, nor an algorythm, to choose what contents I’m interested in. I know we miss post, but as you say, I like to see other’s “good morning” posts (from my hour range) when I wake up, for example. Let’s sey what come with this.
March 16, 2016
I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but foodbandits have started a hashtag too: #iknowwhatilikemost
March 16, 2016
This was a really useful and well written article. Although, I’m not a fan of these changes it will be worth seeing how we can all utilise them to our advantage…if at all. And I also wonder what it will mean for brands themselves on Instagram.
Susana Machado
March 16, 2016
That was a really nice article. I can understand what they’ll do and I’m not entirely against it as a follower, as I believe it will be nice to have an optimized feed regarding my interests. Than of course is the issue about worth and this will probably be the same as with FB… you pay, you get followers…
Oh well, we’ll just have to live with that.
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
haha! Nice and simple 😀
Sara Tasker
March 16, 2016
Well, in light of the changes, the times probably won’t matter at all!
Lou | Littlegreenshed
March 16, 2016
Is latergramme worth it? Surely it does what we can do ourselves, and just post in the morning and evening?
Jessica Rose
March 16, 2016
I’m so glad I don’t have Instagram….confusion over!