Tag : beauty
04/12/2017In my early teens I read a lot of glossy magazines. To say I read them, in fact, implies a passivity that was never quite present; I inhaled them. I devoured them like forgotten religious texts; [...]
03/05/2017I'm putting 'beauty' in inverted commas because I'm pretty sure nobody uses these things to be beautiful. I don't get up every morning and spend twenty minutes painting my face with oh-so-subtle [...]
08/01/2016Hairdresser anxiety is a real thing - I know I can't be alone in this. A salon visit is, at heart, a wholly unnatural experience: an array of strangers pulling and scrubbing at your head [...]
06/15/2016I'm not a beauty-haul kind of girl. My eyeliner is always wonky, my hair never looks like the YouTube girls. For a long time I thought this was because I lacked some essential talent, but I've [...]
03/06/2016Selfies are a funny phenomenon, aren't they? Since the advent of Myspace and forward-facing cameras they've developed this terrible reputation for vanity, duck-face-pouts and self indulgence. But [...]
02/25/2016Below are all the 'beauty tips' I have memorised and tried to live by, at some stage or another. Want to be beautiful? Internalise these. Learn all of your flaws by heart along with their [...]
09/10/2015My name is Sara and I am a hair idiot. When they were handing out the ability to do nice things with your hair, I was presumably in the queue for daytime napping, or biscotti-baking (vote for me, [...]
06/20/2015Beauty blogger I am not, but in my small-ish rant about the 'natural beauty' myth, I promised to share the handful of products I do use and enjoy. On the whole, I find the effectiveness standard [...]
04/22/2015I'm a bit fed up of being made to feel ugly. It's not by anyone who actually knows me or sees me, I should add - but, like any dutiful 21-centurion, I care not for these opinions and choose instead [...]
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