Tag : Minimal
07/28/2016This is the post that google did not deliver. I searched for it over and over again : stores like COS, minimalist fashion online - but only ever seemed to hit the same three or four results. First [...]
03/12/2016I don't want a wedding. Ok, that's not entirely true - I want a big party, I always want cake, & I'm thrilled to be officially teaming up with R for life. That stuff really appeals. I guess [...]
12/06/2015In the run up to Christmas, I'm growing increasingly twitchy about the deluge of toy clutter about to hit. It feels like I'm constantly trying to find equilibrium, walking a delicate line [...]
11/05/2015Lately I'm all about the slouchy, comfy, anti-fit. It would be easy to say its due to my hectic toddler life, or post-partum body issues, but since neither is really a fact or even a thing, I [...]
10/20/2015One of the main reasons we're tempted to keep & hoard is the belief that things will be 'useful someday'. I've had endless examples: the dusty kitchen appliance I'd stopped using, the [...]
10/12/2015Dreams really can come true. I know this, because Tony has finished painting our whole house white, and it's every bit as lovely as I'd planned. White walls, white ceilings, white skirting [...]
09/28/2015Where did September go? I swear, it was only just starting last time I checked, and now we're almost into October, and there's no pretending summer might have one last hurrah. Sigh! Here's our [...]
08/13/2015Time for a confession: there is one area where my minimalism and decluttering idealism goes out the window: stationery. I love stationery like a toddler loves a cardboard box. I just see it all [...]
08/08/2015Simplifying my wardrobe still remains the biggest battle in my attempts to live more 'minimally'. I make a lot of mistakes; that is, I buy things thinking they'll work then find that they [...]
06/24/2015A little lesson I re-learned this week, with help from my little muffin, & from Peppa Pig. Last month I bought Orla a Peppa Pig Playhouse on a whim. She'd found a Daddy Pig figure [...]
06/13/2015Femininity & minimalism. Why does it feel so refreshing to hear those two words together? Perhaps because as women, we're so often encouraged to be frivolous consumers - shopping for fun, [...]
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