: Personal
04/05/2014I found her under a gooseberry bush, which is a euphemism of course for a labour so painful I really-actually thought I was going to die. I did not find childbirth spiritual or beautiful. Instead, [...]
04/03/2014{ As if there's only three things I want in a month. Ha! } Vintage star maps, because I'm already decorating the bedroom of the dream house in my mind. Smock dresses, especially this [...]
03/20/2014Dreaming, dreaming of the big old storybook house we've found in the hills. 230 years old, with open fires, creaky floors & the warm, comforting heat of a big old AGA. If we lived here, [...]
02/13/2014How are you getting on with your New Years resolutions? I ask because I am kicking ass with mine! Sorry, not very modest but then modesty is so 2013... The biggest change for me has been around [...]
01/31/2014We've found a village; tiny, windswept, balanced precariously on the downward slope of a Yorkshire valley. Nearly every house is ancient, with beautiful views, stone walls & wood [...]
01/21/2014Because it's green there To have a fire & a garden & a stone kitchen floor So the chickens can roam free So Orla can go to a small village school & get an adorable Yorkshire [...]
01/12/2014Sundays are for escaping the city & breathing fresh, green air. But first there is breakfast - lazy, always with plural cups of tea, all three of us at the table & The Archers omnibus in [...]
12/31/2013Goodbye 2013, with a quiet NYE; no champagne, no spangly dresses. Instead, the lights from the tree, a glass of something stronger, a sleeping infant in the darkness upstairs. 2014 will [...]
12/23/2013Sat at the kitchen table, weaving these little wreaths out of rosemary to use as last-minute napkin rings on the 25th. Glass of red wine & radio 4 for company, the only light from the [...]
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