: Personal
09/28/2016Ah, Autumn. Season of falling leaves, rosy red apples, the first frost under foot ... and giant bastard spiders invading your home after dark. You know what I'm talking about. Those massive [...]
09/22/2016My whole life I've been weird. I don't just mean socially (although, yes), but physically too - I've always known I am fundamentally different to other people, and admonished myself for [...]
09/16/2016ten mistakes you might be making in your writing Not an expert, purely observational. Well, I did study linguistics at Uni but I've forgotten it all, so... 1. Over-using the thesaurus. It was [...]
09/10/2016I know, I know - it's mid-September. I got a little distracted. Here's what with: one two three four five six 1. New social media profile pic, for the first time in years. [...]
08/15/2016Because it's taking over my life right now, and my secrets are safe with you, right? The thing about a DIY wedding is it's all details. There's nothing but details to think about! Less than a [...]
07/28/2016This is the post that google did not deliver. I searched for it over and over again : stores like COS, minimalist fashion online - but only ever seemed to hit the same three or four results. First [...]
07/25/2016Regular readers might remember my resolution to make Mark Hamill my new best friend. It was sort of a joke - 'when me and Mark Hamill are new best friends, you can't hang out with us' - [...]
07/03/2016It occurs to me as I write this that almost of half of my adventures month happened in London. I've been up and down so often that I'm almost developing a cockney accent, & I'm not done yet! How [...]
06/29/2016Europe, I love you. I love Venice in October when the sun is low over the cold lagoon. I love the fantasyof living over Shakespeare Co, earning my keep by selling dusty old books in [...]
06/27/2016What's that? You thought I was just having a weirdly-specific psychological breakdown? I'm offended! I'll have you know, there's always a method to my madness, even if I myself can't always [...]
05/31/2016Argh, May - where did you go? This year seems to be galloping by at a ridiculous pace, as I leap from one exciting adventure to the next. Here's what I was neglecting the blog for this month. [...]
05/28/2016I have this theory that you can tell a whole lot about a person by the sentimental jewellery they wear. Fashion pieces are one thing, but the charms and trinkets we choose to wear close day [...]
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Feeling overwhelmed when it comes to your festive marketing?
Need some fresh ideas to breathe new magic into your content this year?Grab my Festive Marketing Planner and get your festive marketing done and dusted!
Designed to spark your imagination and provide unlimited answers to that eternal question, “what am I supposed to post?”, this guide is your handbook to a very happy (business) Christmas.
With nearly 100 unique, authentic and strategic prompts and post ideas, planning pages and tips and pointers on making the most of your festive content, I hope this will delight and inspire you to sell your stuff with freedom and ease this December. Whether you’re a small business owner, maker, artist or creative, if you sell things to people who celebrate Christmas and the surrounding holidays, this guide is for you.
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