Oh Comely
Pink is the colour of my little girl’s happiness;
Pink is the colour of her princess dress.
Pink is the colour of the ’95 champagne that’s chilling in my fridge.
As a mum to a 3-year-old girl, I fight a constant, quiet battle to keep the level of pink in our lives to a sensible level. I’m not anti-pink, per se (as any friend who remembers my extensive noughties pink kitchenware collection can attest); I’m just trying to maintain a little equilibrium.
Maybe it’s my eyes re-adjusting to reality after a whole week out with flu, but the world’s looking pretty rosy right now, & I can’t say I mind.
A week of pink things:
- Cherry blossom in London, because obvs.
- The best pink icing. 1 mashed strawberry + icing sugar. Ideal for three-year-old emergencies.
- This 50s prom dress. I never wear it, so I’m making it earn it’s keep as a photo prop.
- When roses die in the most spectacular way.
- An Orla-care-package from France, from my lovely friend at Mise En Scene.
- 15 minutes perched on a sunny window sill with a cup of tea & the latest Oh Comely.
- Grown up trainers, from the Zara kids range. No regrets.
- Orla came home from a day out with these frilly pink roses for me. Apparently her first choice was neon orange plastic flowers, but she was gently guided away.
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May 09, 2016
My daughter went through a pink phase. She’s now 14 and about 3 years ago, she told me no more pink. I was of two minds about the change. One, it meant she was growing up. Two, I no longer had to live with pink all of the time. Enjoy this phase. There will be a new one soon enough.
Peabody Amelia
May 08, 2016
I have recently started to rethink pink. Have seen it in pops of decorating/accent color and hmmm……starting to like it.
May 08, 2016
Those are beautiful pinks, it’s a lovely colour! I’ve got a three year old, and her five year old big sister, so the pink can be strong around here! Like you I’m not against it per se, I just don’t want them to think it’s their only option.