Tag : work
05/17/2017You've undoubtably come across the terms introvert and extrovert before. They're used to to describe a couple of interchangeable phenomenons, which means the meaning can often get muddled, but the [...]
05/04/2017Comment pods sprung up around a year ago via one of the company's advocating (and usually also selling) botting growth techniques. The premise is fairly simple: a group of Instagram users join [...]
03/28/2017Do you ever find the universe keeps throwing the same message into your path? Maybe it's Big Magic at play, or something simpler relating to the way we notice things once they're on our mind, but [...]
03/13/2017I've never been brilliant with money. Mostly I can put that down to unhappiness: when you're miserable & hate who you are, it's all too easy to be seduced into buying things you don't [...]
02/16/2017"You know those days when you get the mean reds? ... Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Well, when I get it the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab [...]
02/10/2017I like to work from the kitchen table. Sure, we actually have two desks in our house, with dedicated shelving space too, but that doesn't work for me. I mean, one is basically just a home [...]
02/01/2017I was relaying some of the amazing stuff that's been happening for me to my friend Hannah recently, and she said to me "you're flying!" And it made me pause, because I feel like I'm doing [...]
01/31/2017It's easy to use Instagram Stories as a dumping ground for the content we don't like enough to put on our galleries. And it's great for that - don't get me wrong - but it's definitely under utilising [...]
01/24/2017Podcasts are my main source of education these days. It used to be books, or online articles - but since having Orla and starting my business I've found it increasingly hard to find the time [...]
01/16/2017Since sharing my successes of 2016 I've heard from loads of you with really specific & interesting questions. It seems like a lot of us are either running a creative business online, or would [...]
01/12/2017Here's your monthly dose of "but why can't I take photos like this?". Don't worry, I can't either. God, these posts depress me... ? but in the best possible way! @lostintheforrest @kpunkka [...]
12/29/2016Frederik Fekkai once wrote that it is essential to choose a planner with a beautiful cover, as you'll be looking at it every day. And I, being sixteen and endlessly impressionable at the time, [...]
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So, here is that week.
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